Have TIME's list of the one hundred best fantasy books of all time. How many have you read?
In other news, I got one of those random things I get now and again, this one pushing a DNA service. So I hit the link to what I thought was the entry I'd mentioned them in? Only...it was a WHOLE PAGE of entries. FROM 2007.
And...I'd honestly forgotten how much fun our Lord and Savior, Stiv, was.
But the point was--there was a point--I had to read through all the entries to find the one they mentioned--which, by the way, didn't even mention the actual site with ancestral records they wanted me to mention, just old (and now missing) web tests they used to have many, many updates ago--and to get there...
2007 was...that year had a lot of pain. A lot of loss. The vampire. The Raven. The lad from the east. My Naruto-haired neko boy...and of course, of course, the gods-be-damned incubus, and did I need to read through any of that again?
No. I did not. But I felt it was my responsibility to track down the right entry, to make the correction if it mattered, and now...
Now I'm just depressed.
Tragic histories make for great backstories, but they don't make for good nostalgic reflections, I'll tell you that. But there. There's your "correction", since it doesn't really fit with what was going on in that entry from thirteen years back...and now I'm shuttering the look into past history again, because I have far too many good things happening at present to dwell. No more mourning for those who will never come back, bceause even if they did, I wouldn't take them back...and they might not even want me back, as I have changed a great deal within that decade-plus.
And I'm mostly happy with the changes. And I have most definitely moved on. In so, so very many ways...
15 October, 2020
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