29 October, 2020

and though you're broken and defeated, your weary widow marches on

Zombies and sex never really go well together, IMO, but that seems to be the claim to fame for this Adult haunt:
"Halloween, zombie, spooky, creepy, adult, sex, haunted house, monster, haunted, ghosts, cemetery, circus, horror, macabre, Great for photographers as well, many photo opportunities!"
Let's at least go see before I give up.


Based on discoveries later (some pictured, some not) this seems to be a bifurcated haunt. There's this little intro area, mostly just fun places to take pictures, and then there's the giant skull gate at the back. And while the entire thing is on Adult land, that's where things get very adult in spots.


Past the skull gate, to the left, is a circus marquee. This is the only real "effect" this haunt has going--going near that marquee, or going towards it to exit the circus patch, pops the avatar into the air at a great height. Not sure what else it does beyond that? But there you go.


I'm not sure how haunted dolls fit into circuses. But there's a section for haunted dolls.


Now, technically, this frame--part of Smooching Serpents' shibari line--is found outside the circus, but inside the circle are references to sex (skeleton strippers, skeletons making out, random adult toys) as well as ways to have sex (a whole tent full of BDSM equipment), so...keep that in mind, too.


All this is is a giant skull floating in some dead shrubbery with floating candles, but...I liked the way it looked.


I have sworn that someday, I will own this house. And I will make an entire haunt around it and set everything on fire.

That day is not this October, obviously, but still. I will own this house.


This is just a fun pumpkin with flaily bits, but beyond it is a reinforced steel door, and through that is a quarter of an urban city, replete with zombies and undead clowns.


Fallen doll angels? Sure.

All in all, while I don't think they got everything right, they didn't get everything wrong, either. And it is a very expansive haunt--to cover everything by walking would easily take half an hour, and these eight pictures just represent a fraction of what's out. So overall, I'd actually toss them four out of five skulls.