08 October, 2020

go away, come back, go away, come back, why can't I just have it both ways?

I'm probbably one of five people who will be really excited by the fact I found a goat's blood flan recipe. But it sounds awesome and I want to make it.

(They have other recipes too! Woo!)

In the meantime, let's talk about the Silent Scream haunted house. It launched awfully bright and cheery, so I switched the Windlight to Eugene 2, and that added a significant bit of atmosphere.


I have no idea why the haunted house has patches of lava. Doesn't connect to anything else.


Off to one side was a little doorless cabin. The one thing that became abundantly clear through this entire haunt is age--and I don't mean, worn, faded furnishings, cobwebs, tattered curtains, though there were instances of that. I mean, this entire haunt was very old-school--prims, not mesh, original Grimworx haunt pieces, the whole deal.


I did like this tree, though. Simple, but amusing, and far more entertaining than the screamers scattered here and there.


Between the main haunt and the cabin is a graveyard, mostly gravestones with a few raised crypts. Then, there was this sign on the door in to the main haunt. I have to be honest, I have no idea what they meant here? This is a haunt nearly completely without gore or violence (barring one moment mentioned later).


Several rooms were like this--simple furnishings, what we could probably term as Haunt Standard, but not badly done.


And between this shot, and the one previous, near the entrance to the long room the skull in the crystal ball is in, is a small coffin with a sign saying "Look but don't touch!"

I touched. And out rose one of the Phantasm flying death spheres (NSFW warning here, probably, as that video does contain violence and gore) that attached to my head and drilled in. More irritating than debilitating, though the sound--a cross between a dentist's drill and a wood bore--was unnerving.

All in all, though, not a terrible haunt. Not spectacular, but if you're bored, it's a way to take up some time. None of the poses on the furniture are stellar, but again, that's probably not the point. Three out of five skulls.