13 October, 2020

liars settle into sockets, flip the switch and watch them run

(Roleplay entry.)

Rumors on the wind. Whispers. The beat of drums in the distance, calling...
[13:41] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx waves sadly, looking over a bereft stormhold.
[13:42] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hugs [Cxxxxxxx] and [Jxxxxxx]. Whats going on?
[13:42] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx looks over at those VILLAINS in tanglewood, wondering if there's any truth to the rumour they had something to do with [Sxxx]'s disappearance. "[Rxxxxx], [Cxxxx],, maybe we need to launch a search and rescue mission."
[13:42] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh, dear.
[13:43] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :( I am not sure searching tanglewood will do us much good in this case [Jxxxxxx]
[13:43] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx: but ... we don't KNOW, do we? it MIGHT.
[13:43] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx is all worked up and itching for a fight.
[13:44] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: maybe, we will keep on the lookout on every source to be sure
[13:44] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx: and, if we mess the place up a bit and rough some people up, well, [Sxxx] would surely only approve, neh?
[13:44] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i am going too start dinner..
[13:45] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: have a great dinner [Kxxx]!!
[13:45] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx) paces, waving [Kxxx] off, making plans in her head.
[13:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) peers dourly out upon the Moors, hearing rumors of coming conflict.
[13:45] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ha i for sure will not enter conflict
[13:45] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx mutters under her breath while she paces, "tanglewood ... villains ... [Sxxx] ... rescue ... "
[13:45] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :(
[13:46] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :-P
[13:46] mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wait what? No NO intranational strife in my Caledon!!
[13:46] mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I will BURN ALL OF YOU EQUALLY
[13:46] mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ..hem..
[13:47] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx looks at [Mxxx] and sighs. "fine. i'll settle down."
[13:47] mxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ..'nk you.

And the sky is alive with strange devices, things never seen before, things that perhaps never SHOULD be seen...
[13:49] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx tells his automatons to trigger riot control mode and sleep gas canisters
[13:50] Cxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmmm sleep
[14:44] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx emerges from her cottage with a jar of villainous dill pickles?
[14:45] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Now that's the usual [Wxxxxxxxx] nonsense
[14:45] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Villainous dill pickles
[14:45] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: His henchmen, I suppose
[14:45] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: I haven't a clue of poor [Sxxx]'s whereabouts, but I do have pickles, fermented with extra nefariousness.
[14:45] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: I don't think it was his. Hers, possibly.
[14:46] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx looks at the [Wxxxxxxxx] suspiciously, "that sounds exactly like something someone who had [Sxxx] tied up in an attic would say."
[14:47] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: But I should hope he turns up soon. I've made pumpkin ravioli.

And the factories belch smoke into the sky, the air is full of the sounds of hammers and rivet guns and dark, mysterious hissing...
[14:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hmm. Should the question be asked, then?
[14:48] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 42
[14:48] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Honestly though, what's going on? Mr. [Jxxxxxx] wasn't in a hurricane zone, was he?
[14:48] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i forgot too add olive oil too the boiling water for the spaghetti.
[14:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Did you at least add salt?
[14:49] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: As far as I know, [Sxxx] is sick. I do not have any details, though
[14:49] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yes, I added salt.
[14:49] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Oh :(
[14:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Good, salted pasta water will help.
[14:49] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx: his TYPIST is sick. [Sxxx] is tied up in an attic in tanglewood. [14:49] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx: AND NEEDS RESCUING.

She sees notations for chemicals the Syndicate has ordered before...but immediately sent on as stable components to their final destinations. Stable until mixed...but there's no notation of ships carting them away...
[14:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And Mr. [Sxxxxxxx], that is what I was afraid of.
[14:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh.
[14:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well then.
[14:49] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i hope [Sxxx] gets better.
[14:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And gets untied.
[14:50] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx nods at Emilly, "right?"
[14:51] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and i made a couiple of Texas toast garlic bread.
[14:51] Cxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx emerges from the cellar with another bucket of fermenting pickles.
[14:51] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And is the Moors trying to rescue [Sxxx] from durance vile, that's what I want to know.
[14:54] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i thought it was StormHold?
[14:54] Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Axxxxxxx: why not both? united! [Sxxx] deserves as much support as possible!
She will watch, then, and wait. Surreptitiously ask for reports on the new factories positioned near the airship docks. And wonder whether her side is for, or against, Tanglewood.

And where is Mr. [Jxxxxxx]???