20 October, 2020

I want you to be unused, I want you to remember

The blurb said
"Haunted house on route 8! Come explore or start the hunt for a prize at the end. October, Halloween, haunting, ghost, hunt, prize"
So off to Morbid Manor we go!


More drunken skeletons. They are fun to watch.


Well, that's not creepy at all. The creepiest thing? This wasn't even part of the haunt, these were someone's breedables on the next parcel over!


To stand at the window, alone, in a dilapidated house...while spirits degraded to floating lights flow past...That's also creepy.


And this is a very dilapidated house.


And the game rips start. This place was doing so well...evocative mood, fun little effects, definitely had the creep factor going...and now the game rips. This one they didn't even bother to hide--she's actually named 'Samara'.


And two more. Well, I guess I'm done here, then.

Overall, I really liked this one until the game rips. It really does present with lovely little mood pieces. For that alone, I'll give it four out of five skulls, but...really. Next year, do the same thing without copyright infringement? And it will be stellar.