31 October, 2020

nothing you can say can stop me going home

Tying up things for the year, a very disappointing one for haunts, all in all. But we're now at the Ils de l'Ours haunt, so...maybe this will at least be average.


From the front entrance, things look very foggy.


And monochrome.


It's atmospheric, I'll give them that. But it's just one graveyard. Next.

How about the Church of the Poison Mind? They're technically a club, but to the right, there's a haunt.


The furniture's interesting...


Ah, yes, the cannibal kitchen trope. Tired of it.


Probably shouldn't have had that third glass of arsenic...


But what I most want to know is--what happened to the baby?

Anyway, that's it for the year. I'm calling it. There may be more houses out there, but I'm tired of digging through dreck to find even paste gems. The angel statue in the first one made a great picture, and I do like the haunted bed set, to be fair, but...eh. Three of out five skulls?

I guess there's next October.

30 October, 2020

buried in the basement floor, didn't know what I had planted

I won't lie, this year has been incredibly disappointing for haunts. I just want one last one I don't hate, so on a whim, I went to the Haunted House from Hell.


It's starting off atmospherically enough, I guess.


That's a great sign, walking in the front door. My hopes are sinking.


Repetitive sound loops, check. Game rips for decorations, check. Come on, people...


Yep, I'm done here.

Okay! Next up! Okay, how about Bizenghasp's Imaginarium? Their blurb says
Bizenghasp!, Imaginarium ...a macabre menagarie with a Burtonesque feel. You can buy a ticket to the freakshow, or get lost in the surreal cemetary. Photo friendly sim or just a cool place to hang out.halloween, monsters, zombies, Burtonesque, clowns
It's Adult rated, but that doesn't necessarily mean terrible.


Okay, they're already off to a better start, if a more cluttered one.


Keep in mind that this is less a haunt, per se, and more a collection of set pieces...but again, atmosphere is pretty good so far.


Yeah. Come for the frantic search for something appropriate to the season, stay for the photo ops? Not the worst idea.

I'd give the Haunted House from Hell zero out of five skulls, but the Imaginarium I'll give a full five. It's a breath of fresh spectral air.

deathblow, look at you go, brought a T-62 to a Rodeo

The Duke found an interesting little take on the three approaches to virtual experience. From this, I've pretty much always been an immersive player, with touches of augmentative. He started out dissociative and is now immersive for the most part. That explains a lot of things about a lot of people, though.

Onward through the haunts. So, first strike against this one is, they misspelled "poltergeist" on the event name. Second strike, the blurb for the place is in all caps:
Riiiight. Okay. Let's go see, I guess.


I'm not holding out much hope for this.


Step in to a lightning crash and a man's fever-pitch, constant screaming. That's annoying.


Oh, look. Orbs. Great.


Gremlins. Just...why.


Upstairs, the first bedroom had an inset gif in one window, the back wall covered with a picture of a room that made no sense at the angle it was at, and...I'm done here.

Zero out of five skulls.

What else sounds interesting....How about Karma's Haunted Manor and Saint Sadist Cathedral? It's on Adult land, so I'm assuming either Adult content or gore. Their blurb says:
"Welcome to the Haunted Manor And Saint Sadist Cathedral in the sky. Come stay the night.. if you dare.. Beware of Blood Thirsty Rape Zombies.."
Uh, you know what? No. Never mind.

Guess I'll find something else tomorrow.

29 October, 2020

and though you're broken and defeated, your weary widow marches on

Zombies and sex never really go well together, IMO, but that seems to be the claim to fame for this Adult haunt:
"Halloween, zombie, spooky, creepy, adult, sex, haunted house, monster, haunted, ghosts, cemetery, circus, horror, macabre, Great for photographers as well, many photo opportunities!"
Let's at least go see before I give up.


Based on discoveries later (some pictured, some not) this seems to be a bifurcated haunt. There's this little intro area, mostly just fun places to take pictures, and then there's the giant skull gate at the back. And while the entire thing is on Adult land, that's where things get very adult in spots.


Past the skull gate, to the left, is a circus marquee. This is the only real "effect" this haunt has going--going near that marquee, or going towards it to exit the circus patch, pops the avatar into the air at a great height. Not sure what else it does beyond that? But there you go.


I'm not sure how haunted dolls fit into circuses. But there's a section for haunted dolls.


Now, technically, this frame--part of Smooching Serpents' shibari line--is found outside the circus, but inside the circle are references to sex (skeleton strippers, skeletons making out, random adult toys) as well as ways to have sex (a whole tent full of BDSM equipment), so...keep that in mind, too.


All this is is a giant skull floating in some dead shrubbery with floating candles, but...I liked the way it looked.


I have sworn that someday, I will own this house. And I will make an entire haunt around it and set everything on fire.

That day is not this October, obviously, but still. I will own this house.


This is just a fun pumpkin with flaily bits, but beyond it is a reinforced steel door, and through that is a quarter of an urban city, replete with zombies and undead clowns.


Fallen doll angels? Sure.

All in all, while I don't think they got everything right, they didn't get everything wrong, either. And it is a very expansive haunt--to cover everything by walking would easily take half an hour, and these eight pictures just represent a fraction of what's out. So overall, I'd actually toss them four out of five skulls.

well, I ain't really drowning, 'cause I see the beach from here

Wait a minute. The blurb for this one says
In honour of the Goddess Varahi and the Dakini Lands She inhabits - Join us in our Worship!
So...the Companions' Guild. The Companions' Guild has a haunt??


Okay, where's the haunt?


Well, that's a dead end. And...that seems to be about it! Disappointing. Moving on!

OPEN 24 /7

The first attraction claimed to be "BEYOUND HELL". Okay, let's go see.


Ah, it's a ride. Okay. And weirdly, the sign above the attraction is spelled correctly. I'm confused.


And it's actually not a dark ride--it's more of a rollercoaster, through walls, over lava, pretty good music in the background. It's okay. Not terrible.


There was a ride called "Dragon's Flight" that didn't engage, but this one was called "Devil's Hell", and I wasn't sure if it was going to be a walk-through, or a ride.

It was another ride.


But...a really, really slow one, and hard to take pictures on.


And apparently there's also an Area 51 ride.

I mean, all in all, it's not terrible, there's a lot of variety here, and if you're not focused on taking pictures, it might even be more fun? So...solid three out of five skulls.

28 October, 2020

I can do what I want, I'm in complete control, that's what I tell myself

Today I went to Nightmares and Screams. It was very, very wet. Their blurb was fairly short:
"Dark, scary, haunted house, hunt, maze, ghosts zombies blood skeletons frights prizes tricks treats ritual death ghouls"
So, first off, walking onto the parcel will give visitors a drop-down. You'll need to agree to the Experience system to play.


It's definitely got its own feel, I'll give it that.


Arachnophobes be warned: there are spiders. And screen-filling jump scares, so...there's that, too.


Finally, inside the mansion and out of the rain! But the foyer is full of drifting leaves and howling winds...


Unique wall art...


And a tentacled cultist at the back of a very large film, mostly full of drifting shades, gargoyles, and ruined columns.


The rest of it, though, apart from some fun effects, is mostly just slowly moving dead things and screaming. They could have done more with it. Good atmosphere, kind of weak execution, so...three out of five skulls.

27 October, 2020

I guess I see what I want to see

(Roleplay entry.)

It had been a morning of many things already, and I'd been distracted trying to set up a more permanent pathway to some of our holdings, when I heard from the Duke:
[11:46] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hello!
[11:46] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): smiles
[11:46] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): OMG....we have had a accident duchess...in the Sphinx Library...
[11:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, foo--I'll be right over.
[11:48] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): no worries...

What on earth...on any earth...had happened??
[11:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh no
[11:51] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): well [11:51] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): the death ray demo didnt go so well [11:51] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I...see....

I could see. There was a lot of damage in that room...
[11:51] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): the rocker girls and the tesla bots are doing clean up
[11:51] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): they put a force field around the incident...
[11:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, good!

All those draped bodies. So still. Blood on Gearhaven ground. How did this happen?
[11:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): How many did we lose?
[11:52] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): uh...
[11:52] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): no GH staff...
[11:52] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): but...
[11:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I count five, but....that's a LOT of discharge

[11:53] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): five clients...
[11:53] Hiro Shatner-Orr (hiro.shatner): sit and talk for a minute?
[11:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): CLIENTS? Oh no! accident5

We found seats in one of the library chairs behind us, and he explained he'd been commissioned to build a death ray for...someone. He wouldn't say who. He wouldn't meet my eyes.


I looked through the field at the repair bots. Heard the crackle of discharge, smelled the ozone on the air. I looked back at the Duke.

"So...this was a commission?" He nodded. "And then--?"

He sighed. "I was called away. Someone at the gates who shouldn't have been there. I went to check and--I heard an explosion."


Hours later, I returned to the library, having seen the debris being carried off, the investigators processing the bodies, all the official questions and answers and paperwork necessary for the passing of a being...or a concept. All that was left now was that odd splash of old blood, burnt into the wood of the floor. And more questions than answers.


And how did all this tie in with the witch bomb I'd seen earlier, being floated up from the labs to the Grey Area?

I won't let this pull me overboard (part II)

(Continued from the first part.)

And the rest of the conversation:
[10:20] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Threatening behavior IS enough, Mr. Ronin. Have you not figured that out yet?
[10:20] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Have fun isolated to your own parcel.
[10:20] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ah, our sweet Guv'nah will rent to anyone...but your actions will make you accepted, or not.
[10:21] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): bieng there.. done that..smile
"Been there".
[10:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Bored now.
[10:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) wanders off.
10:21] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: Duchess...perhaps we should let Mr. Ronin unleash his plans on the Commonwealth...it would be amusing to see what his ideas of not boring are...
[10:21] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Or in library in Oxbridge until I can convince Deans to band you from there as well.
[10:21] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: watches the troll line being crossed and heads off in the same general direction as the Duchess.
[10:21] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident) hands a box of popcorn I found
[10:22] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): nehh all this is a getting to know ye conversation
If he truly means that, then he's a terrible conversationalist.
[10:22] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oxbridge bans trolls.
[10:23] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: snatches his popcrom back from the troll and hands him a ticket to Mondrago...
[10:23] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): in all the 9yrs I came to this.. never got banned for this kind of conversation
[10:23] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx wonders when Mondrago bans him
[10:23] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Then we shall surprise you, indeed.
[10:24] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but I am pretty sure The Gov hears this.. so lets wait and see.
"Let's". And as I've said, Des won't ban anyone from Caledon, estate-wide, unless they are very bad indeed, on the level of constant griefing, harassment, shouting objects rezzed on Commonwealth land...but once more, that doesn't mean that individuals in Caledon can't ban him from their own parcels.
[10:24] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): at least we got the welcome talk sorted..
[10:25] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): glad to see you all. and more in time
[10:25] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You won't
[10:25] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): that is stil up for grabs
[10:25] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: Yells from upstairs...Honey...did you move my Jackalope Furry Suit...
[10:26] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: oh no do you think that pervert stole it?
[10:26] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but I am glad to see the welcome mat to this region remains the same..
[10:26] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): missed it.. and one reason for the return of Me..
[10:26] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, he's welcome to it.
[10:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And I am *VERY* sure Des will be informed, yes.
Probably by multiple gentles, considering how this went.
[10:27] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I failed furry classes.. epic
[10:27] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): so don't worry about furry suits
[10:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): "return of Me". So not just a petty thief, but a petty thief with delusions of grandeur.
[10:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) makes a note.
[10:28] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx has dealt with returning trolls before.
[10:28] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): neh.. just know how to Me a entance and known..
This was harder to parse. I think he's saying "just know how to make an entrance and [be] known"?
[10:28] Hxxx Sxxxxxx whispers..."who is he"
[10:28] Hxxx Sxxxxxx quakes...
[10:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No one of consequence, apparently.
[10:29] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And that would be "make an entrance"
[10:29] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): once I settle at kitty and get My stuffed shipped over in some days/week..then we get "busy"
"Stuff". And we don't care.
[10:29] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Good for you.
[10:30] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: look forward to it, mate...
[10:30] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): the rent is sorted.. so squating is out
[10:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) makes a note in the Gearhaven files, as well, before moving on to far more entertaining things.
And it was here, Constant Reader, that Emilly Orr entered her very first ban on Gearhaven's ground.
[10:31] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I got a coptor . I can move arround..
"Around". And great, not only a troll, but an anachronist. Just what we need.
[10:32] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): and sins I hardly sleep.. like any good criminal.. pretty sure I meet all in time
"Since" And possibly "[will] meet all in time".

The conversation trailed off at this point; I certainly had better things to do, and I stopped paying attention. Then, around forty minutes later...
[12:14] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): greetings folk.. I hate to say it. but it looks like I got the place sorted and paid
[12:15] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): [Mxxx Mxxxxxxx] was very helpfull.. thanks
"Helpful". And that's her job as an estate manager. It doesn't mean she trusts you implicitly either, you nitwit.
[12:26] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: yea! welcome..
[12:28] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): any heartclock fixer arround?
[12:37] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): ok. its not much.. tent and suplies.. but lets call it home for now
"Supplies". And again, "let's".
[12:39] Fxxxx Lxxxxxx: does supplies include ice cream? chocolate?
[12:39] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: sea urchin?
[12:40] Fxxxx Lxxxxxx: *makes a face*
[12:40] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): neh.. just oil and stuff to keep Me in the air...
[12:41] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): after I get the turkey stripped .. I can even eat
[13:08] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident) almost started to sing "I am in heaven"
[13:09] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I thought you died Soaron, welcome back?
[13:11] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): well I do have a heartclock now..
[13:11] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but still good
[13:11] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): at being bad
At this point, this is just tiresome.
[13:12] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): and now we got the place sorted and paid.. I time to ship My stuff over
I think he means "in time to ship" here?
[13:13] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but I do need help whit the heartclock soon.. any good at that?
"With". And possibly, "anyone good at that".
[13:15] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not for you
[13:15] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): hehehehhe of course not
[13:22] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): you can't good at being bad and loved all over
You mean, "you can't [be] good at". And yes, you can, that's the main issue--we've had madmen and mad scientists and evil geniuses, vampires and werewolves and fire-breathing dragons, world-wreckers and world dominators and the darkest of dark fae in Caledon, and to a person, they've been polite. YOU are not polite. YOU are an irritant. So it doesn't matter if you're good, bad, or functionally impaired, it's your behavior in this case, not your morality.
[13:23] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Sounds like you have a history with this...person, Mm. [Sxxx].
[13:23] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not personal Emilly
[13:23] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): lets put it this way. I come to this region close to 9 yrs now
[13:23] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): and like I say. I am good
[13:23] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): in bieng bad
"Being". And possibly even "[at] being bad".
[13:24] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Still don't care.
[13:24] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but since this alt of his has not been blocked by LL yet, nor Caledon yet as others have, I am blocking him so I do not have to listen to his rudeness, crudeness and lies
That is a truly excellent idea.
[13:24] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but a reputation is not bad
[13:24] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh, some in Caledon have.
[13:27] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): well if only one blocks Me.. I am slacking
[13:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And you're bad at math. "Some" is more than one.
[13:28] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): prolly due to heartclock failure and new settling
[13:29] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but at babbage there are still heartclock fixers.. but they do cost a lot,.
Again, conversation trailed off, and I stopped reading, but as my personal affairs had tied up, I had the chance to meander to our manse in Caledon II. And tried to pull up parcel information, and...utterly failed. So, stymied, I decided to ask chat.
[13:36] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Here's a question for Caledon at large--if About Land won't come up, does that mean I need to restart, or that sim does?
[13:36] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you reboot
[13:36] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: SL has been off the charts lately
[13:36] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): reboot is the better option yes
[13:39] Exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah, try a relog first. Sometimes the sims get stuck in odd places, but a reboot can clear local issues
[13:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods.
I logged out, logged back in, and was able to pull the land information up with no further issue. So Gearhaven's estate in Caledon II has also banned Mr. Ronin, now.
[13:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ah, much better. Land issue solved. Thanks!
[13:46] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yw
During this, there was an IM sent me by Ms. [Sxxx] who apparently has had experience with the troll in question prior:
[13:25] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: everyone figued he had not really died but were so relieved he was gone
[13:26] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So, I've never run across this moron before, but Lady [Axxxx] said that he's been at this 'ooh I'm a huge thief you'll never see me coming I'm so baaad' nonsense since six this morning.
[13:27] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah he will be around for months or longer unless Des bans him for something, it is so not right for people in this group to have to hear his crap.
[13:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
[13:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, Des apparently rented to him again, he's in Kittywickshire
[13:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Gods help Kittywickshire
[13:29] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah
[13:32] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: He will continue to dominate the conversation as long as anyone is talking with him or is talking in the chat
[13:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I keep trying to let it go. I managed about an hour. :)
[13:33] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: he is good at it
[13:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I should just mute him now, he's not going to say anything I'm interested in hearing.
[13:33] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes
[13:34] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it is horrible for ISC as a whole and he is thrilled with that
I bet.

So, that is what I did. He's done nothing AR-worthy, true, by my standards. But he's banned on both parcels I have control over, and he is blocked and muted for me personally, so I never have to worry about feeding the troll again. Thoroughly objectionable troglodyte. I hope he departs our shores soon.

26 October, 2020

I won't let this pull me overboard (part I)

So, this one's slightly different from my usual. For one, it's only partially anonymized, as the name of the troll in question I'm leaving in full view. Second, it may be longer than usual, to capture the whole of it, so it may turn into multiple parts.
[10:05] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident) wonders around the new region, looking for "Opportunities"
Meet the maledictor in question, Mr. Ronin.
[10:05] Dxxxxxxxxxxxxx Exxxx hides the heirlooms
[10:06] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): don't worry. if they are tide down.. I would get them
[10:06] gxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: A new region in Caledon?
[10:06] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): for Me,. aye
[10:06] Dxxxxxxxxxxxxx Exxxx: a new resident
[10:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Which?
[10:06] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): lets put it this way.. Old / new resident
So, what I'm getting from this is, he's had other names before this one.
[10:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): New region, or new resident?
[10:07] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): can't say that after 11 yrs.. I am new
[10:07] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) stares fixedly at the profile that says "six months old"
Yes, I know alts exist. Yes, it's clear he is one. I'm just making the point that this particular avatar, with this particular name, is only six months old.
[10:07] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Returnee?
[10:07] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): aye.. but this can be easy changed .. if you want
[10:07] gxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: New to Caledon
[10:08] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): more of a new (criminal) element at Caledon
And this was when the mood of chat began to sour. He was so insistent that he was a big, bad, criminal who would never be caught, an all-around evildoer on the loose, muahahahaha. Right. Whereas most of us listened to him and concluded 'troll'.

Also around this time, Lady A IMed me and mentioned he'd been playing this game since six am this morning. So...four hours of his nonsense. Hardly surprising people were tired of it.
[10:08] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx turns his gaze
[10:08] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: "oh really."
[10:08] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): just tie things down and lock/bolt doors and your good
[10:09] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): then I can look at your neighbors
[10:09] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: AR-worthy person?
[10:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Not if he's a tenant.
Though at this point, post-conversation, I'm wondering if I should change that conclusion. True, he hasn't done anything to me yet that would earn a direct abuse report from me to the Lindens, but...there's nothing saying he couldn't do something that would get me to send in an AR to the Lindens. I'll just have to stand back and observe.
[10:09] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): well at My age.. I am known and skilled...
Oh, and that's another thing that makes me think he's just a troll. Reading through his profile--and this chat--tells me he's a wannabe dom. He constantly refers to himself as 'Me' and 'My', which tells me he expects anyone not dominant to immediately kneel in supplication at his feet.

I've met this type before. I am not impressed. Respect must be earned, and with the way he started out, that's just another checkmark on the 'person to avoid like the plague' list.
[10:10] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I am renting. so does the Gov demands
[10:10] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Tenant may still be abusive.
[10:10] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: Known by whom?
[10:10] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: criminals...in Caledon?
[10:10] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): none.. sins I didt give you My name
"Didn't", again, and I am ashamed to admit, it took me some time to catch on to what he meant. I thought he was just putting on airs.
[10:10] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx narrows his eyes.
[10:10] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): yet
[10:10] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: I thought we shipped all the degenerates off to one of the islands...
[10:10] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: So you are Known By None and Skilled at?
Nothing, apparently.
[10:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ah, now see, you're treading perilously close to "Why do we care" territory, Mr. Ronin.
[ 0:11] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I don't know criminals but at least 1 now
[10:11] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: do we care?
[10:11] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): don't know yet.. but time will tell..
[10:11] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: I think we are seeing the establishment of some RP, perhaps.
[10:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) smiles. Pretty sure we're still figuring that out.
[10:11] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Mad scientists are one thing but threatening people?
I know. It's just not done.
[10:12] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I don't hunt ppl.. not My thing.. more anything not tied down or bolted..
[10:12] Hxxx Sxxxxxx looks for the popcorn...
[10:12] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Mmhmm. It may help, Mr. Ronin, in case you've forgotten this about ISC chat--it is as frequently IC as OOC.
[10:13] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): aye.. that may be its use..but I prefert to stick to RP
"Prefer". And that's fine, I know people in and out of Caledon who never break character, and that's acceptable--IF the character is interesting on its own. If it's not--if the character one is attempting to play is abhorrent to the core--then it truly doesn't matter if they never break character, because no one with half a brain is going to care enough to interact.
[10:13] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): But wandering around openly saying you're going to steal everything is not exciting, innovative, or shockingly new.
[10:13] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): and I still didt tell My name
Again, "didn't".
[10:13] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Also, it makes you a fairly bad thief.
It does. It's equivalent to walking into a bank without mask or weapon and standing in front of a security guard, screaming "I am here to rob this bank!"
[10:13] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx tells all his automatons to hunt potential self-proclaimed thief down with extreme prejudice.
[10:13] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): just good in bieng bad
"Being". And possibly even "good [at] being".
[10:14] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx sharpens a wing claw.
[10:14] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): ha. only if your fast.
[10:14] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx digs up old blueprints based of Kafka's story Penal Colony.
[10:14] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident) grins
[10:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You keep threatening us with revealing your real name. I'll ask again, sir--why are we interested in knowing who you were before who you are now?
[10:15] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: maybe it is a clue?
[10:15] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): don't know why you think that way.. I never met you all before..
[ 10:16] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: well mr. ronin...nice to meet you...
[10:16] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: Yes, well, Mr. Not-Soaron-Ronin-nor-hoffMastersr-apparently, if I catch you.. RP or otherwise.. skulking about peoples homes or businesses - and in particular my friends, it may go. Poorly for you. They will drown you in a tea and shower you with ambiguous compliments.
[10:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Ohhh, no, my apologies, the penny dropped.
Because I suddenly caught on to all this folderol about 'you don't know my name'.
[10:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): He's not saying he had another name, gentles--he's saying we don't know his name because we haven't seen him. Because of course that's how this works.
Here's the thing. I get how, if you're that hard-core for character living, you can walk around amongst other avatars and insist that no one knows your name if you haven't formally introduced yourself. Fine. Occasionally ridiculously stupid with SL's culture and conventions, but fine.

But in ISC chat? In any group chat? We are reduced solely to the text-based environment. And in that text-based environment, names are given. Names cannot be avoided. And only an utter fool, or a malicious primitive, would ever think that people seeing printed names are not going to see printed names. I'm not sure which Mr. Ronin is yet, but it's entirely possible he's both.
[10:16] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): I do know My meal today is a turkey I found at kitty
[10:16] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx adjusts the frequency of Elder Signs in Caledon to repel Lovecraftian ronins.
[10:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You might not want to eat that--or, at least, take care. Turkeys have a tendency to explode...
[10:17] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: ah yes
[10:17] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: The Turkeys
[10:17] Soaron Ronin (hoffmastersr): I know.. I met one that kicked Me..
[10:17] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx adds account to list of people to be ejected from Oxbridge.
It could well be a good idea. Best for Oxbridge, in fact, and their collective student body.
[10:18] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): for the record. I am that guy you mother doest like. but I do not lie..not about that .. or anything else
[10:18] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: I just don't want him disappointed that most of us aren't going to RP that eek a thief stole my hatpin collection and will rather ask him to a dance or offer helpful suggestions for adjusting his ascot.
[10:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You keep this up, you know you're going to be bounced from a great many places in Caledon...
[10:19] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): only if you get proof of Me doing anything illegal
Oh, no, not at all, and you're massively deluded if he believes that. Ban lines are considered beyond the pale in Caledon, but individual bans can happen on any parcel, on any sim, at any time.
[10:19] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): that stil didt happen
Again, "didn't".
[10:19] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Threatening behavior is enough
[10:19] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): boring RP aswel
"As well".
[10:19] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): smile
[10:20] Ixxxxxx Dxxxxx: You DO know that many of us even in our "light RP" guise have no great law enforcement role or even many qualms of bending any such "laws" if they existed, right?
[10:20] Soaron Ronin (hoffMastersr Resident): but if Gov gets Me a parcel.. pretty I am trusted
No, all that means is you have the Lindens to rent a parcel.

Here's the thing. Desmond Shang is very forgiving for an estate owner, perhaps more forgiving than he needs to be at times. But he is very willing to help, and willing to rent to anyone who's interested. He does not judge potential residents of Caledon, but that does not mean he automatically trusts every new resident deeply. And it is possible for residents to get banned, even if they own land in Caledon, because there are rules for behavior in Caledon, which are clearly posted in the Covenant. Which every new tenant is reminded to read, to understand, and to click the little box that says that new tenant has read the Covenant. It's not our fault, Caledon's fault, or Desmond's fault if Mr. Ronin just skimmed through it and hit accept at the bottom.

(And with that, we move the rest to the second entry.)

let's dance together, I'm still a little sad

So, this started a bit past one this yesterday afternoon:
[13:13] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: Hey all. Curious where this hair is from
[13:13] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: https://gyazo.com/98ae8f2df29e651249c231c4810d0e3c
[13:13] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: Any ideas
This was the picture at the link:


And yeah, that hair does have a certain look to it.
[13:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That looks SO much like Truth.
[13:15] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: that was my first thought too
[13:15] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): But if nothing else, [Ixxxx]'s pretty active, so if you just drop a notecard to [Ixxxx Zxxx], she'll likely answer
[13:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Elixir, maybe?
Which was a link from Truth's Flickr page.
[13:17] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: I appreciate the suggestion to IM [Ixxxx], but in her profile it clearly states that she doesn't give info on her pics
[13:17] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Kxxxxxx], it is my hair Paula on Tres Chic: https://flic.kr/p/2jWpdr2
[13:17] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: Thank you! ♥
[13:17] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: YW♥
[13:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): A-ha! Answer!
[13:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Because the one I found was similar, but checking out the wisps, not exact
[13:18] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx: Yay! You're the best, [Sxxxxxxxx]!
[13:19] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: TY:D♥
[13:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Wait, unrigged bangs? Okay, now *I'M* interested
[13:20] Kxxxxxx Cxxxxxx claps excitedly! I want pics of you, Emily!
[13:22] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins
I'll have to remember that for when I do get this hair.
[13:32] Pxxxx Axxx: can someone send me the MP for that hair...i love it
[13:34] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: its from Sintiklia
[13:38] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it is on tres chic: Nika (153,139,22)
And that seemed to be that.

Then, literally TEN HOURS later:
[23:08] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: truth doesn't make hair like that, it's Sintiklia
[23:08] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): We're still asking about the top-bun hair from earlier?
[23:09] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: that's Sintiklia..
[23:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Right....that was settled HOURS ago...
And it was. Why is it under discussion again?
[23:09] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: https://gyazo.com/98ae8f2df29e651249c231c4810d0e3c
[23:10] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: well incase it wasn't, it is now lol
[23:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yep. Exact same hair. That's Sintiklia's Paula.
[23:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): We know that, because Sintiklia's designer answered the question.
[23:10] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: yep
[23:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr):
[13:17] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Kxxxxxx], it is my hair Paula on Tres Chic: https://flic.kr/p/2jWpdr2
[23:10] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: I saw it earlier
[23:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So why are we bringing it up again?
[23:11] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: well, I'm mobile and I just seen it
[23:11] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah where ya get it
[23:11] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: lol
[23:11] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: nm
[23:12] Vxxxx Wxxxxxxx: figure it out
[23:12] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): A-ha, okay, that explains it.
[23:12] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it's cute is it truth hair
Oh, for the love of--how dim is she??
[23:12] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And...excuse me, [Cxxxxxx]? Were you not following? If the store name, the name of the designer, and the name of the hair don't give it to you, well, good luck in the wide world.
[23:13] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: always a smart ass i just seen it
[23:14] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Professionally sarcastic. Yep.
Yep. That's me.
[23:14] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: always one around
[23:16] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: besides i don't go on face book
[23:17] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: have a nice evening ladies
[23:17] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Who said it was on Facebook? That was Gyazo and Flickr.
[23:18] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the flicker ad give away shows facebook
[23:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That's the giveaway.
Which...has nothing to do with the name of the hair, which she had, the designer's name, which she had, the store name, which she had, and the event name, which she had...
[23:19] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): The photo's of the hair, with the name.
[23:19] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i got the name
Oh good. She can be taught!
[23:22] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: just says pauls not where
[23:23] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Paula is available at the Tres Chic event, at Sintiklia's booth: Nika (153,139,22)
[23:23] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Were you not paying attention?
Okay, she can't be taught.

She's been three years on the grid. Seriously, chicklet.
[23:28] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no i jus glance at this ever now an then
[23:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, that is where Tres Chic is being held.
I'm trying not to push it from here. Maybe she just skimmed over the info, but...yeesh. If she'd just logged in, wouldn't it have been easier to just say that? But she was responding as if she HAD read everything.
[23:30] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can't say that i knw what tres chickis sorry
[23:32] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Shopping event.
[23:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Hair, some furnishings, clothing, mostly female, mostly urban.
[23:40] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thank you i didn't know about it
[23:40] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You're welcome.
[23:41] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ll check it out
So I guess we're ending friendly. Which is fine with me.