31 October, 2019

carved by the waves, our sacred temple


Why am I even here? You know what, I don't even care how I got this landmark. I'm leaving. There's nothing here I want to see if that's the first thing that rezzes in.


Some days, it's just not worth the effort crawling out of the grave.


I don't know which of us was more surprised, honestly.

Meanwhile, seen at the Salem event...


I am stll not used to avatars being openly used as sim decoration. I mean, I've seen bots as models, I've seen bots behind reception desks at stores, but as haunters or, in this case, just...there...as sort of thematic additions...that, I'm not used to yet. I'm not sure I'm going to get used to that, either.

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I've got a three day headache and it's all in my head

It's the 30th of March. One day before Ostara. And there's been a lot of...well. Conversations like the one below. [18:43] Emil...