I'm misused, Miss Construed, I don't need to be saved (part 4)

(Continued from part three.)


The next room was a house in a box, but the only thing that gave this set piece away was the quarter-round windows on the upper story. The sounds layering over each other were still aural chaos at this point. Strangely, right before the car drove out of this room the brilliant white glow resolved into a single stripe of pink lightning. What did it mean?


I have no idea what was going on in the padded asylum room beyond Amityville. Giant doll head, game rip of American McGee's Alice from the second game, chibi brain surgery kidlets I'm fairly sure are also game rips from somewhere...yeah. No clue. Couldn't even attempt to guess.


Past the doll-head tunnel, the car falls into a vertical tunnel of blood, and then we end up in Hell. How...derivative. There's lava, there's the wailing of the damned, there's a giant floating devil head, there's a red demon with animated skin holding a pitchfork, there are curving bloodstained bones curving out of the magma...yeah, yeah, we get it, hell bad, let's move on.


This was the best pic I have of the next room, an L-shaped expanse that took the car up a winding staircase to a house, reversed and dropped the car nearly straight down the hill on the other side, and finally revealed the Bates Motel sign. Not...terribly done, overall? But I could barely make out Norman's lines from the movie at this point. The only thing that was clear was the ree-ree-ree repeated notes from the shower scene.


The next room was nothing but fire and plaster walls at first, and then the scree of metal scraping on metal became clear, and then Freddy rezzed in, both as an individual figure and as a giant razor-clawed hand. Sure, Elm Street, I get it, but I don't necessarily get the plaster walls around the Elm Street House so much...I guess necessity? But it was jarring to me.


Beyond that was...a room full of rising blood with sawblades. What? Also, at the very least, it should have been red for blood, steel-grey for blades, and black, if nothing else, for bodies, but look at the amount of unrezzed grey things floating as the car moved diagonally through the room.


And finally, the end of the ride, where the final jump scare screamed VERY loudly in my right ear several times, but otherwise remained stubbornly unrezzed grey.

I really...I have no idea where this falls on the 1-to-5 scale. I covered all of it I could, because it's a very expansive ride. There's a lot going on. If you go, prepare to spend some serious time.

Some people may like it. I couldn't stand it, but that was mostly because the sounds kept on and on and on and very little would rez. If I had a more robust computer, would I have had a more positive experience? Maybe, but even that's tenuous, because the first thing I saw was a straight-up game rip and that always sets my mood to "Thanks, I hate it, can we burn it now?"

Even with that, I'd say it's probably a solid three skulls.

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