23 October, 2019

I'm misused, Miss Construed, I don't need to be saved (part 2)

(Continued from part one.)


There was a spider room (not shown, it was really mostly empty space and egg sacs, but for me, at least, very few things moved), then back into Christine's garage, then out the side to what I think was supposed to be Camp Crystal Lake. The mask gave it away, not the blurred text.


Speaking of blurred text, that was the sign in the next room. This was the only image that had more color than grey or blur.


At this point, it was pretty much aural cacaphony--I'm fairly sure the sound loops were motion-triggered, or by the car driving over sound prims, but the problem was, a couple people had gone before me (each car seats six, but the two cars I saw on the upper level while waiting for my car to rez only had one avatar each, and I was the only rider in my car), and then I'd retriggered everything, so everything from every room I'd gone through was playing. It was getting hard to make out--based on set piece--what set piece I was in.

Past Crystal Lake and Pet Sematary was a cornfield with an arched black cat on a wooden covered bridge, no idea what movie that was supposed to be, and then past that barn door through to Child's Play. And this was the only pic in the series that was even marginally worth showing.


The traditional chain-ride tunnel of disorientation, this version being in monochromatic stripes.


Ah, the story of my life, barrelling down train tracks with an active train moving towards me. Which movie was this supposed to be, though? Was it just a set piece?


The next room was a checkerboard floor with deep red walls; I didn't recognize that from anything specific. The car drove towards a box and I didn't make out what that was supposed to be either. Reference to Lovecraft? Creepshow? Who knows?

Next entry!

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