10 August, 2019

if I leave my grin behind, remind me, we're all mad here, and it's ok

Isn't the whole point of a hoodie to keep all of your upper body warm? I feel this largely fails in that goal. But I guess if only the arms are getting cold...Anyway, it's free, at least for now.

So, I meant to get to this before now, but it's still the 10th, and the next Enchantment event doesn't open until the 12th, so...there's still a little time. Miss sachi Vixen, [adam & eve]'s designer, sent me a pack of her Morgana cloaks for the event, so I checked them out.

Now, things to keep in mind for these shots: as always, I'm taking all pics in natural light, no shadows, no filters. Next, I took them starting with my default hair from Truth, Arabella. I've noted the main places the hair cuts through.

Arabella is an over-the-shoulder ponytail style, and clearly not the right one for this cloak, which is original mesh from sachi.

A change of hair (I'm sorry, I don't remember who made it) showed it was still clipping through, and I noticed a gap where skin was revealed. (I'm wearing Maitreya, though, and this was simply a case of not alpha-ing that area. It's easily fixed, and is not a flaw in the mesh cloak.)

As with most mesh, this isn't adjustable, so at times, the very slight over-shoulder gap will be visible. But I think this is more an AO issue than mesh, again--I don't have a single maker's AO, I have a patchwork compilation of movements from at least twenty different animators all joined into one. Some wearers may not notice this at all, then.

Largely, though, I found this cloak moved very well with me. Both in texturing and in draping it seems closer to brushed leather than cotton or linen, but that's no bad thing--heavy cotton, linen, light cured leather, and sailcloth canvas were all common cloak materials between the eighth and thirteenth centuries, at least, so that gives a wide variety of RP opportunities where this cloak will fit in.

There will be places where your avatar will clip through the cloak, however, because no mesh object can take into account every single movement the virtual body does. And you'll likely have to find one hairstyle you like, that doesn't clip through, and only wear that style. Or accept some hair clipping there, too.

These moments of clipping are momentary, though, and generally, if you're dealing with someone face to face, they're negligible as far as observation goes.

And, while this is far from my best work, this gives you an idea of the ten colors available for the cloak. Some are very subtle tonal shifts, some are not, but there's enough variety, I think, to suit most RP needs.

One thing I didn't specifically color--note the metal bits at the neck? They change to other colors, too, six different ones: a bright silver, or argentium, a greyed pewter, an aged brass, a bright gold, a bright rose gold, and a new copper.

I'll add another entry linked to this one when the event opens, and tell people where to go and what the cloaks cost individually and in the fatpack I'm showing here. Only two bodies for this pack, also--Maitreya and Slink. Still, people in other bodies may find the cloak adaptable to their forms. Always try demos first!