25 August, 2019

I learned to roll and tumble with the punches

And on and on and on and on we go...

This next set's going to be strange, because it's Curious Kitties. And she has always made hair more compatible with walking around in an anime.

This one, "Diavea", is a case in point. It's a Nyanotech Type B hair, which means if you buy it, you'll have to make sure all the huds you buy for it are either Type B or TypeA+B--because Type A HUDs alone won't work. I left it in the default rainbow, though a limited "Old Fashion Brown" HUD and a "White GOld" HUD are included.

This is the back of the hair.

This is "Lavande", which looks more flower than hair, and again, I left it in the default out-of-the-demo-box purple.

And this is "Lavande" from the back.

"Lavandel", on the other hand, is almost a Gibson Girl-style front pouf, with a braided wound bun at the back.

Again, I left it in default purple.

This is "NyaNeko", which I believes comes with the hairpin attached.

Hoo, boy. This is "Spiritsei", and dear gods, the clipping issues. Default as it came out of the box.

And from the back.

And this is "Wunder", left in the default stranded brown and pink, and if I'm anything to go by, this style was made for flat-chested women.
You can find Curious Kitties on the Noirette sim.

All pictures taken at the Free Photo Studios in Sora.