28 August, 2019

oh no, here comes that sun again, that means another day

And onward we stagger, through the towering pile of Hair Fair demos.

Up to {amiable}, and their first style...oh, gods, numbers again..."HAIR005". Great. All the styles apparently work off one color HUD, so I'm showing it in tone 3.

It is unrigged, so can be adjusted and resized by click, but I found I still had some missing places where hair was not.

This is "HAIR006", which I'm showing in color 9. I did slight resizing.

This is "HAIR007", which is shown in color 13, but...even with resizing and moving it to a slightly different place, I still had scalp patches.

This is "HAIR008", and I'm showing it in 16. Clicked to resize a bit and left it at that.

And finally, "HAIR009", moved and resized and still a little off, and shown in color 18.

You can find {amiable} on the Redhead sim.

All pictures taken at the Free Photo Studios in Sora.