We're up to no.match, and the first style they have in the box is "NO_ASPECTS". I'm...not sure what this is supposed to do on my head? Does it need a hairbase (not included)? Does it need an alpha (not included)? Probably yes to both, but...I'm wearing the unrigged/Low LI variant, and checked HUD A, which is apparently their reds. So I grabbed the Rusty hairbase from an existing no.match hair, and used it in the first shade of Rusty from the HUD.
This is "NO_SYSTEM", and while you could choose to wear a hairbase with this, it also doesn't seem essential. (Which is good, because I didn't have a hair base for the OMBRE HUD colors.) I'm showing it in shade 12 from the HUD, and in the 'busty unrigged hairbase' size.
(Though I will admit, that style might work really well for 70s dance nights.)
And this is "NO_WTF", another vintage style, and I'm showing it in size 2 with color 7 from the Unicorn! HUD. (I don't know if the Unicorn! HUD only comes in the fatpack.)
And it came with a scarf attachment, which gives the headband more of the look of a tied scarf. I'm showing it in color 10 from the ACCESSORY HUD, which is sort of a harvest-gold tone.
You can find no.match on Noirette.
So, pr!tty's next up, and...there's only one style in the box? Is that right? Did the others not unpack?
...Oh. There are no others? That's really odd, because other styles are shown in the main Hair Fair blog.
That's really odd, but okay, this is "Eleven", shown in color 25 from the Basics HUD, in rigged, and with Bangs 3. But here's the problem. The bangs don't seem to tint? I guess at least you know which are the bangs, then?
And this is the view from the back. It seems a fairly casual style, brushed but not overstyled, but it has this little wrapped bun thing on the back of the hair. (And yes, I get what they're going for with this, I've seen Stranger Things.)
You can find pr!tty on the Redhead sim.
All pictures taken at the Free Photo Studios in Sora.
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