27 August, 2019

there's nothing to prove, everything's still the same

This starts off normal, then goes off the rails.
[12:00] Bxxxxx Lxxxxxx: Anyone know where the 25L items is for [store on the weekly list]?
[12:01] Emilly Orr: Wait a bit for rez, they'll be marked with the 25L sign
[12:01] Axxxxx Axxxxx: in the first room its a long dress
[12:01] Emilly Orr: Or, look for a tilted rectangle next to a vendor near the floor if you can't wait
[12:01] Bxxxxx Lxxxxxx: I see it. It hadn't rezzed for me on the floor. It still hasn't rezzed. lol
[12:02] Bxxxxx Lxxxxxx: Thanks everybody!
[12:02] Emilly Orr: Ah, drat. That sucks when it goes that way. Dress is named [name of dress] if you have labels on when you mouse over things
[12:07] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx makes a poster with his red sharpie, Writes ..." Jarl on Strike...Men are equal to women. Stop the bias against Men!".... He puts on his strike uniform, and starts to protest....... smirks
[12:07] Emilly Orr: Wrong window?
Because it seriously seemed out of the blue.
[12:08] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmmm
[12:08] Emilly Orr: Cos...this ain't Gor, Chief. Redirect.
[12:09] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol.. i think that is because of most of these lists being for women
[12:09] Emilly Orr: Most are, true. But there are some male/unisex items. And I always tell people who really want more male-friendly options, make their own sales list. Male designers would likely leap at the chance.
[12:10] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nope right window. Just cause I'm going doesn't mean I can not protest the bias against males in the retail complex of SL, the direct bias against us
[12:10] Emilly Orr: It's not a direct bias, so much as it's the larger population.
Which is true, and likely will always be true, because most women play women, and a lot of men play women, so...women are the more substantial population.
[12:10] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: come on we all know unisex items are really just female items
We do?
[12:11] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: Or furniture
[12:11] Emilly Orr: No, and see it this way: if 80% of SL were Tinies, and only 20% were adult-sized people, how many stores would you see catering exclusively to Tinies?
[12:11] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: but you guys do love seeing your girls pretty, so in a way we are making stuff "for" men
[12:12] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I see your point. However, there is a counter point. Men make up a large segment of SL. Would they sell more if they offered more? Or are they not offering because men dont buy? Like the chicken and the egg issue
[12:12] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I buy lots of stuff for my bonds
[12:13] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: it's just a plot, so that one day you men will go around naked
[12:13] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[12:14] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx runs to invest in popcorn
Always good when drama pops up.
[12:14] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Men buy there is nothing for men to buy well I should say Gorean men.... Now if I was running about in a Man bun, drinking starbucks, and a little doggie... I could find tons of stuff
Unlike "real men", which supposedly he is? Wow. Insecure much?
[12:14] Emilly Orr: Well, that's not the worst idea, but to be fair, the sexiest look for women is still nice lingerie, and the sexiest look for most men is sharply tailored suits. That's kind of unfair, too.
[12:15] Emilly Orr: So, since every time this comes up I remark that I see a fair amount of mens' items on the main three shopping lists, should I just start compiling lists to send to you?
[12:16] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Have you asked the creator of Tigereyes - I think that is right - to join the lists?
[12:16] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: I am sorry to say statistically men buy fantasy things less than women do. Are they going to be extinct soon? Do they change clothes less frequently than women? I do not know. What I know is it takes me the same amount of time to make an outfit for women and an outfit for men. The latter sells 1/10 So I do make them, but much less frequently.
[12:17] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: And [Txxxx] has a point. If you have a favorite maker ask them to apply to 25L Tuesday :D
[12:17] Emilly Orr: And based on personal observation, men are far less willing to convert to mesh in the first place, buy mesh clothes, and pay out in general. They don't feel they need to.
[12:17] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nope cause I am speaking about Gorean men's things Like I said if I want to look like I just walked out a fu fu coffee shop, reading a book about the evils of testosterone, and a manbun I could be set
Second time he'd said basically the same thing. So I pulled his profile. Yep. Definitely looks overmuscled and undereducated, so no wonder he's sneering at guys who wear glasses and likely have better jobs.
[12:18] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Tigereyes makes Gorean male clothes
[12:18] Emilly Orr: If you say so. I say there's vendors out there for Gorean, and adaptive medieval male gear. But you do you.
[12:18] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ummm no self respecting Goream male would shop there
It's "Gorean", and...huh? Tigereye is that bad?
[12:19] ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol.. if you say so.. I happen to know better
[12:19] Emilly Orr: No self-respecting Gorean man....why not?
[12:19] Txxxxxx Hxxxxx: regardless, if you have favorite designers, you can ask them to join 25L Tuesday
[12:19] Emilly Orr: I freely admit I've never been to Tigereyes, so what's the deal?
[12:20] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: there items are for skinny ass little men Not any that have a muscular feature
Void stars, moron, we get it. You don't respect anyone who eats salad. MOVE ON.
[12:20] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: they have great stuff
[12:21] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But if your not a certain frame size it don't work
"You're". So, if they make great stuff, why sneer at them so much earlier?
[12:21] Emilly Orr: If you have a particular mesh body that runs to the bodybuilder sort, yeah, clothing is going to be tricky. What you have to do is start scanning for people who make clothes for that specific body, and see what turns up.
[12:21] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I wish they made bigger styles
Ask them. It's not hard, just open a notecard, write down your request, and send it off to the owner. Or is that not high enough in the stupidsphere for you?
[12:23] Emilly Orr: Right, but again, figure out what best fits your body, and move in on makers that make for it. If they don't make Gorean outfits, ask 'em. Sometimes that works.
[12:23] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Txxxxxx] what is sad. There are many mens stores that have 25L plagues but there always empty.
"Plaques", I think you mean.
[12:24] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Now if any want to know I know soem great Gorean mens clothing makers
Wait...if you know Gorean male designers already, then...why are you bitching?
[12:24] Emilly Orr: As in, they're advertising they're on the list, and they're not?
[12:24] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But I shop to much I think I own them all
So...you're just spoiled, and throwing a baby rant. Got it.
[12:25] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: meanign they belong to the group, but they don't put things up for sale
[12:26] Emilly Orr: That is an issue. Nothing compels designers to have something every week, though I'd also think that if designers have the same items out every week, or no items at all week after week, [Txxxxxx] would have a chat with them.
[12:28] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tell you the truth, most all do great jobs. I think I have just bought everything already so I get bored cause there isn't anything knew that strike my fancy
Seems like that's his problem, innit? But now I'm wondering. As a female, it seems like there's a lot of makers of male gear on the three weekly cheap lists, so...is it just me? Am I seeing male gear where it's not? Or is it just that he's whining?

Personally, I believe it's the latter, but hey, it has inspired me to at least look through Tigereyes, and track down other stores. I know the Forge makes male outfits for Gor, or used to. So I need to find who else does.


Edward Pearse said...

So let's see,
Male AVs are fewer than female AVs for the most part.
Of those male AVs less than half would be musclebound grunts.
And of the musclebound grunts, not all of them are going to be Gorean.

So he's having a whine because he chose to be part of a niche market that not everyone is making items for?

*gets out tiny violin to play*