[16:04] kinwelding: una preguntaThen the penny dropped. "Pregunta" doesn't mean "pregnant".
[16:04] Emilly Orr: No, not so far.
[16:10] Emilly Orr: Ah ¿Cuál es tu pregunta? ('Ah. What is your question?')Seems fair. There's a lot of native English speakers who spend their whole lives never hearing another language.
[16:11] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: disculpa esto es algo nuevo para mi ('Excuse me, this is something new for me.')
[16:11] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: qe idioma fue ese? ('What language is that?')
[16:12] Emilly Orr: Ingles ('English.')
[16:13] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: perdona mi ignorancia ('Excuse my ignorance.')
[16:14] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no avia visto algo igual ('I haven't seen anything like it yet.')
[16:14] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: jeje ('LOL')
[16:15] kxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: como ago para qe laspersonas y lugares se vean nitidos esto es lo qe te qeria preguntar ('as ago for people and places to look sharp this is what you would like to ask'--Google Translate's first real failure this round.)I think what she means is, would I have stores to recommend?
[16:18] Emilly Orr: Depende del presupuesto, pero las listas de ventas son un buen lugar para comenzar. Martes 24L, Sábados 30L, Domingos 35L. ('Depends on budget, but the sales lists are a good place to start. 24L Tuesdays, 30L Saturdays, 35L Sundays.')Unfortunately, by that point she'd apparently logged off, or crashed. If she was at the same event I was, Fable, it's likely she crashed, because it took me three times to port home.
She was all of one day old, poor baby. Absolutely zero information on her profile. I hope she finds someone to talk to about what to do in SL.
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