23 August, 2019

close your eyes, say my name, count to three

And onward we stagger, through the towering pile of Hair Fair demos.

We're up to Adoness, and...Adoness' offerings are a bit tricky to sort.

For instance, this is "Phoebe", which absolutely requires a hairbase, but the only hairbases included are 1) for mesh heads and 2) only for specific mesh heads (namely, GA.EG). And I have nothing that matches their color shades for a hairbase. So I'm showing it as is in color 20 from the Integrity HUD.

And this is "Scum", and honestly, I'd reverse those two names--"Scum" is a perfectly appropriate name for a punky tousled Mohawk, and it's not so appropriate for a foldover demi-Hawk with rounded bangs. You know? I'm showing it in color 33 from the Integrity HUD, and yes, this one desperately needs a hairbase too.

I will repeat a passage from the enclosed notecard, however:
▶ Adoness Omega Hairbase Applier
This product was made and fitted for GA.EG Omega enabled mesh heads. Appliers will also work with other Omega enabled mesh heads such as Catwa, Lelutka, Akeruka and Vista. The applier was tested on these four particular brands.

We also offer appliers made with brand specific UV mapping (Lelutka and Catwa), they are available at our main store, inworld and on Marketplace.
So apparently, even though they're mapped to one specific head, they'll work for four other mesh heads? Yay? Doesn't do me any good, but at least it helps those with mesh heads.

You can find Adoness on the Blonde sim.

Next, Alli and Ali. Now, I won't lie, I pretty much abandoned A and A when mesh hair came along, because they stayed making their token flexi hair styles. But they've recently stepped into the mesh arena. Case in point: this is "Achelois", which came in Teal (no color HUD).

It's not the most flattering style, on me at least, but it is mesh.

This is "Alectrona", also in Teal, and for the life of me I can't figure out if the light-strand ribboning through the hair is their demo marking, or if that's actually part of the hair. If it's part of the hair, that's fascinating, and may be enough to move it to the buy pile. If not, I'm just disappointed that they didn't do the cool thing deliberately.

And finally, "Chronos", also in default Teal. Does she not believe in bangs?

There were included "color pics" in the box, so it looks like each of the three styles comes with sixteen potential shades (none of them Teal, by the way). You can find Alli and Ali on the Noirette sim.

Next up: Analog Dog, and I'm not going to say the styles are weird, but...the HUD set-up is.

Let me explain. This is "Coda" (and why yes, I had to retake it later), shown in color 18 from the mix color HUD. All other color huds for the styles are in the box, but only the mix HUD works, because the demo is keyed only to that color HUD. Even worse? The hair scarf cannot be textured, even though it clearly shows a 15-color texture range for it.

The bangs, scarf, and ponytail--that little brush of hair that extends beyond the hair knot--can be hidden or not, at will.

This is "Crescendo", and oh, boy. It's also given rigged only to the mix HUD, and so here it's shown with bang 2 on, and in color 10 of the mix HUD.

Because I was curious, I clicked bang 1 on as well, and...yeah, that's a mess. I'm showing it in color 38 from the mix HUD.

Finally, this is "Octave", and--is anyone surprised? It's only rigged for the mix HUD. But, surprise surprise, there IS no mix HUD in the demo box. I flipped up the mix HUD for the "Coda" style, and it worked...after a fashion...because I have no idea what options come with this. I flipped up the dark reds HUD in the Coda box, and, miracle of miracles, it actually works to re-texture the hair...but more importantly, it shows me there is a bang option that can be hidden or not. So I'm showing it with the bang section added.

You can find Analog Dog on the Noirette sim.

All pictures taken at the Free Photo Studios in Sora.