25 August, 2019

try to hide it inside but I see underneath

And onward we stagger, through the towering pile of Hair Fair demos.

We're at Sintiklia now, with their first offering, "Delilah". Thanks, I hate it. I mean, look, the hair texture is good, I'm using shade 10 from the "Classy" HUD, but...the style. The impossibly adhered metal heart. Why? And dark stars, this would be insane to try to peer through.

The included "haipins" HUD (hey, I just type in the titles) seems to show ten different shades the metal heart can be textured in. There's also an off button. Can't tell you what that looks like, because this HUD? It does not function.

"Pamela" is a bit better. It comes in two sizes, and for once, I can actually wear either of them. I'm showing it the second size, and in in shade 7 from the "Dark blondes set 2" HUD. I only have one problem: they really should have included either a hairbase, or an alpha, because that bald scalp patch is blindingly obvious near the top of the forehead.

You can find Sintiklia on the Blonde sim.

Next is Slink, with "Catherine", a short, spunky style. It's default out of the box, because this style did not have its own included hair HUD, and the unlabeled "Slink Hair Dye HUD Demo" didn't work.

This is "Millie", and again, the Millie color HUD (included) doesn't work. (And again, I had to retake the shot.) How'ver, the cap HUD beneath it does, so I'm showing it in a red that reasonably matches my dress. It's one of six available tones.

And this is "Nora", again shown in the default color, because again, no color HUD for the style included.

Finally, this is "Imogen", again no color but default, and no larger size, so yes, it will clip through the chest of the busty. Which is a shame, it's the first SLink style I've liked this year.

You can find Slink on the Blonde sim.

All pictures taken at the Free Photo Studios in Sora.