10 June, 2012

in exploitation's name

There's another update on the Marketplace issues, yet again in a stupidly inaccessible place. Here's the full text from CommerceTeam Linden:
06-07-2012 02:53 PM

Below is the updated set of outstanding issues with Direct Delivery and the Marketplace.
Direct Delivery
The following Direct Delivery issues have been verified, but have not yet been addressed:
  • WEB-4600 (Merchant Outbox failures): We have been working on this issue and will not shut down Magic Boxes until this is addressed. In some cases, logging out and in from the Marketplace and then the viewer may resolve this problem.
  • WEB-4554 (Test delivery permissions incorrect): This is currently under investigation. Limited Quantity Support (Merchant does not have rights to copy the items for sale): This is currently being worked on. Magic Box migration will not be required until this is supported. (Note that Merchants can sell items that have next owner rights set to “No Copy”. Please see the Knowledge Base article on Object permissions for more details on how permissions work.)
Overall Marketplace
There are also several issues that occurred around the time of the Direct Delivery launch that we are still working to address, but are not issues with Direct Delivery.
  • WEB-4587 (Listings with the wrong images): This is currently under test. 
  • WEB-4441 (Orders stuck in “Being Delivered” state): We have been able decrease the number of orders getting stuck and continue to work on preventing all orders from getting stuck.
  • WEB-4567 (Bulk delete fails for some merchants): We will evaluate the priority of this once we have completed the above Direct Delivery fixes and features.
  • WEB-4592 (Orders marked as “Delivery Partially Failed” on success): This is currently under investigation.
  • WEB-4696 (Deleted listings appearing in search results): We continue to investigate this issue.
  • WEB-2974 (Listing enhancement stuck in “Charging, cannot edit right now” state): We are investigating this issue.
  • WEB-4138 (Confirmation emails failing to deliver): We are currently investigating this issue. In addition to the above issues, there have been reports of Direct Delivery purchases silently being delivered and the Merchant not getting paid (the order is marked as “Failed”). We have not been able to confirm this report and would like to investigate further, so please file a support ticket with details if you see this.
Still not reserved, and several of the problems that are making people leave the Marketplace or tear their hair out trying to fix said issues are currently being "investigated"...which will take the time it takes, so don't expect a fix anytime soon, unfortunately.


In other JIRA news, permissions are behaving...well...not correctly, obviously, but also oddly. It's notable because the behavior is persistent across at least two viewers, the current release of the SL viewer, and whichever TPV the original reporter used in the first place. (That TPV is, unfortunately, not named.) Remember the rules--watch, don't vote--and hope for a fix.

(A helpful commenter below has given me the viewer name: Firestorm 3.3.0 (24882). So, it's persistent across at least V3 and Firestorm, if not others, and it's notable that with only five watchers to date, WorkingOnIt Linden has already been assigned to start the fix process.)

In the meantime, I leave you with Tom Hiddleston talking about Steven Spielberg. And making velociraptor noises. You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

...and whichever TPV the original reporter used in the first place. (That TPV is, unfortunately, not named.)

Firestorm 3.3.0 (24882) :)

Emilly Orr said...

Yay! I guessed I missed that. Thanks, and I'll update the post.