05 June, 2012

all I need is coordination, I can't imagine my destination

(Hunt notes:

So, the next stop on the Mesh Around hunt was at Happy Undead. They offered several different--and confusing--sizes of mesh tube dresses in two different color combinations. I'll explain what I mean below.

(from the scavenging album)

So this is the "Melon" tube dress in "L big". Why an L big? Well, that's because of how they size. This is the complete rundown in the package:
  • L big
  • L medium
  • L small
  • M big
  • M medium
  • M small
  • S big
  • S medium
  • S small
  • XS big
  • XS medium
  • XS small
  • XXS big
  • XXS medium
  • XXS small
Yeah. Really. And remember, I have two different tube dresses in this package, so I unpacked thirty dresses in this gift. It's definitely on the insane side.

This sounds excessively judgmental in a virtual world, so I should preface this by saying I have a shape I consider "Rubenesque", and I wear it about half the time. However--this dress makes me look fat.

I know, I know, but--apparently my bust size (and butt size) means the overall size of the dress must be increased, instead of just enlarged in those areas. And I'm not saying they didn't include an alpha layer--they did.

It's confusing. Here's the other dress:

(from the scavenging album)

This is the same size, "L big", for the "Summer" tube dress. And just for comparison, here's another size:

(from the scavenging album)

This is the "M medium", and note the fact that it still fits around the body, but not across the bust. Now, I could reduce my bust size and fit into this size. I think it's more flattering, overall, but I'm still okay with them including so many variants, because it is a rigged mesh item. And I'm pretty sure if you can't find some size that you like in this style--assuming you like the style--you've obviously got bigger problems than a strapless slip-on dress can solve.

(And, just as an aside, they don't come with stockings. I'm just adding those in to the pics when I feel I have a good color match. These happen to be from SN@TCH.)

I just remembered what I forgot! *pulls up Windlight for Insilico 2 settings* Ah. Much better.

So Alice Project made hair, not surprising:

(from the scavenging album)

This is the "Yolanda" mesh hair and mesh bangs (you can also wear the hair without the bangs). Now, these are the un-rigged mesh bangs...

(from the scavenging album)

...while this picture shows the hair with the rigged mesh bangs. What's the difference? Got me. (Also, apologies for the surreality; I just left the alpha layer on since it was hair, not clothing.) But it did come with a tinting HUD:

(from the scavenging album)

This is the hair tinted to "Brown 02 - Black Tips", and...I have to say, I really love the look of it. Just for comparison, another color:

(from the scavenging album)

This is the hair tinted to "Red 02 - Black Tips". And again, the hair moves with me, the coloring is detailed, and the HUD applier seems fairly low-lag. Nicely done.

More to come!


Miss D Ember said...

Really cute skin!

Emilly Orr said...

This is actually still sold over at FallnAngels--they have several shades of Siamese, this is just the closest I could get to seal-point.