14 October, 2019

and once again that rising sun is droppin' on down

The witching hour is nigh! Or so the Destinations menu would have us believe:
Come watch the witches as they gather in a clearing, their spells to chant and potions to brew. But beware as the witching hour descends, the light plays tricks in the eerie shadows cast. Is it friend or foe amid the shapes coming into view you may ask? Residents can explore the haunted trails and purchase the items they see to create their own Samhain, Gothic, or Halloween experience!
Hmm. Well, it's worth a shot, even if it's just a gussied-up store.


Damn it, I've been here before. That's three ads I've found for the same damned place. Gah.

How about Eternal Night? Have I been there?

Their blurb says
Aeterna Horde Headquarters
Bloodlines friendly, open to everyone *NO NUDITY* Flickr and Rp Friendly /*Windlight Sky: "Night" Water: "Blackwater" Sky @ 500m to 1000m: "AnaLutetia - AvatarOpt"RegionOverride*/
Right. Spampire turf. Okay, I'm braced.


That is...a lot of hanging bodies.


And that is a lot of fire.


The river of blood, as promised, complete with cascading bloodfall.


Blurring of a certain word mind. So the rest of this room seemed to be a sort of royal reception affair? One chair labeled "KING" with two chairs, one to each side, labeled "QUEEN", so at least that's my assumption.


They really do have a hanging obsession here.

There's a few areas I missed--there's a bramble maze, where the first rip (Left4Dead's Boomer) was found, and a graveyard (where the mesh rip of Dracula in man-bat form was found), but all in all, it's not too bad. Some good photo ops, if nothing else.