17 October, 2019

I ventured further out on the edge of the glacier

Well, the name sounded like a haunt, but after that, it said Haunted House and Gacha Yardsale. Huh. So is it a haunt or a store?


Okay, it seems reasonably haunt-like.


But wau, the yardsale scatter game is strong.


It's like a haunted junkyard. (Though I admit, I do like the cinderblock fire.)


Because of course there are zombies in the cornfield.


That's not something you see every day.

The only theme this haunt has seems to be "I got this from a gacha and it's creepy cool!" Which, I guess, if you don't care about any other details, works. As much as anything does. And I admit, there are some nice pieces here. I'm tempted to go back and pull my favorites into edit, and see if I can track down their creators on Marketplace. It's worth a shot, at least.