06 October, 2019

driving me to the airport and to the friendly skies

See, this is the thing that kills my brain. I don't want to cover the big haunts--I will, but I've done some of them two or three years in a row--so that leaves me with a TON of abandoned house groups. Or things like this, where the group says
and pulling up the owner's profile says the same name is a rental stop. So, haunt or not? Who can tell?

And it doesn't matter anyway, because that landmark no longer exists anymore; I tried to port and it failed utterly. Why aren't dead groups de-listed? Why aren't people taking down the ads--which surely, they must be paying for--when they're no longer running a haunt? I do not understand, it seems pointless.


Well, I'm officially terrified, so congratulations, Dragonheart. You win. I want to flee.

But gritting my teeth--and ignoring the repeating calliope music loop--I looked around. Was there any more to this than multiple Robbie the Rabbit rips? And turns out, if one turns left, there is. Well...sort of.


Okay, just as cluttered and full of rips as the main port-in point, but at least it's seasonal copyright infringement? That doesn't make much of a difference, though.


I walked up the partially ablaze stairs of the "HALLOWEEN SHOP"...and promptly fell through the floor into a cavern. Okay, we might be somewhere in the near vicinity of "not awful". Let's see what we've got here.


...Oh, that's, uh...that's it? Just this cave space? No other chambers anywhere?

...Right. Fleeing was the correct response. Moving on!