10 October, 2019

another quiet thing has passed me by

Today I learned about the wooden mansion in Pogorelovo. It is made of awesome and win. Have some more pictures. In fact, have some pictures in full sunlight, where it looks like a completely different building.

There's a Cemetery Garden in Bennafield. Their description chirps:
Welcome to the Cemetery Garden. Have fun wandering, visiting with the ghosts and receiving your unfortunate fortune. If you dare, teleport up to my gallery via a coffin, to explore immersive environments. Visitor gift in the cemetery!
Let's go look.

It's a small haunt on mainland, but it has some neat touches.

The fountain is still, with brackish water half-filling the old stone basin. I adore the dead flowers.

Because of course the elegant ghost couple brought elegant ghost Moët. (I'm assuming descendants brought the cake in as tribute.)

I didn't hear it chime, so it may not be working, but it's a very atmospheric clock.

In a haunt this small and old-school, a ghost like this actually works still.

You'll have to make it a dark and stormy night yourself, but barring that, it's a cute little haunt, there's a few freebies to gather, and towards the back there's a link to the maker's gallery. I didn't go (I am on A MISSION, after all!), but I am tempted to go back.