26 October, 2019

I just want to be your pretty girl, when you want it

I found someone else with butt wings!

And this time, I managed to scan the avatar to figure out where they come from. Turns out the wings--at least, this pair--were made by Zexen Alecto of Murder of Ravens fame. I believe they're these ones.


The other thing I was astounded by--and the thing that didn't come up on the scan--was the floating ethereal encoffined lasses. Who made those? That's a fascinating effect.


They did have a fairly high avatar complexity, I'm assuming because of the coffins and some other accessories. Possibly also the wings.

(Upon closer inspection of this shot, I'm not sure they're true butt wings--they might actually attach along the spine, but much lower than wings usually attach. Most wings in SL, mesh or flexi, attach on either side of the spine between the shoulder blades, and these honestly seem to be attached on either side of the spine behind the lowest rib.


All through the series of carefully captured shots, also, I was misgendering this avatar. I thought "she" looked lovely, but I was just looking at the back of "her". Turns out she is a he.

Still lovely, though. Very unique look.


Every single aspect of this avatar has been well considered. There's a lot of thought and detail that went into this. This is definitely an example of a very bishy lad who is living in the exact skin and shape of his choosing.

With, apparently, translucent coffin companions.


It happened again.

Yet again, another logout screen, another removal of most of me. This time it left hair and, strangley, underthings--though not the stockings I was wearing with them--and left some of the prims that surround the home cabin. But mostly, it's just me, in a suddenly shadowed empty plain of green. Bizarre.