08 October, 2019

Google, y u so broken?

Cue a massive amount of frustration I didn't need. SO for the past couple hours plus, I've been trying to track down why the images on this blog aren't appearing. The problem seems to be that Google Photos decided to change everyones' photos to private, not public. But there's a secondary issue, in that all images linked from Google Photos seem to switch Urls in mid-stream. As Mm. Fawkes pointed out, on this picture link (just as an example), it's bypassing that link entirely and trying to open this link instead. And I'm just reeling at the concept of going back through all the October and September entries and fixing every single image. All the while that I still don't know exactly what's happening--I'm still looking, but most of the Google Help pages that turn up when I search on how to make photos in Google albums public tell me how to stop sharing, they're not exactly being helpful.

Argh. There is a solution to this, I'm sure, but bear with me--most of the images seem to be missing for anyone not me right now.

(Update from Editrix: Apparently there is a convoluted, but working--for now--way to link images: opening an incognito window, using the shared album link I generated for this one picture album, scrolling to the picture I want to link, and grabbing the Url for that image, which....is going to do my head in. And I'm being told even then, this may not work for long. Bother.)

((Second update from Editrix: it's also recommended that I just direct-link images into the compose field, instead of working plainly in HTML, like I'm used to. This...is going...to be...a colossal headache.))

(((THIRD update from Editrix: this link. Oh my gods, this link. It still gives no answers to how I do what I used to do with no problems, but now I know Google caused the change and they hate everyone linking pictures to other things and they want people to use other services which are far less convenient and #)$@&*%!+^#&~ YOU GOOGLE and I cannot deal. That is all.)))