08 October, 2019

someone's friend is talking like they know, oh, you’re on it

Have I been to Halloweentown yet? Their ad reads:
Bloodlines, haunted, camping, bowling, gym, Greedy, truth or dare, spin the bottle, dancing, pool, billiards, sauna, teen, school, grotto, rock, dungeon, church, graveyard, escorts, 420, dungeon, wedding chapel, biker, magic, runaway, Twisting Fate
There are several words in that description that makes me dubious. I'm bracing for bad things. (Though considering I work on the Twist of Fate sim, those end keywords were odd to find as well.)

There are deer, lemon trees and wisteria. The anticipated dread is beginning. There are bats, one owl, and a few enterprising rodents, so...it's not a complete wash yet.

Is this the haunt? It doesn't look like a haunt. It looks more like...a dance club.

I was not wrong--pole dancing downstairs, some gaming tables, couples' dancing upstairs, that's as far as I got because I'm still looking for the haunt.

Well, that's certainly terrifying. Full bright landscaping is always jarring.

Is...this the haunt? There are a (vanishingly few) other places on the sim with Hallows decor, but this was the only place with lighting striking. Constantly. (And there were no signs pointing the way, I just had to wander the flat, nearly featureless landscape to find it.)

...which I can't access, as there's a series of invisiprims in the way. Right. On yer bike, now, away with ye! I can't stand pointless haunts, especially those I can't access. Do not pass Go, do not get L$200.