13 October, 2019

I'm goin' to Muriel, see, can I bring some coffee home? (part 2)

So, near the entrance--before one walks through the entry gate, in point of fact--is a port up to the Haunted Skybox.


It's very dark up here. I'm finding a new Windlight setting.


That's a bit better. What that parchment actually says only applies to people playing Bloodlines. I don't, so I'm passing it by. The wolf's pretty good, though.


Ancient, demonic statue on a deep sanguine carpet while lightning flashes outside. Atmospheric.


The lady of the cas...skybox?...drifting through a bedroom, complete with sex bed, while portraits of bloodletting line the walls. Sure.


Going down one level brings us to a pool of blood--very derivative--set into a bloodspattered checkerboard floor, with a slowly rotating corpse floating on the surface. Ick.


And on the other side of the room, various implements of torture and deathing.

Okay, so...it is actually following the rules of moderate sims--sex in the sky, PG (more or less) on the ground. And for blood fetishists, this would be a party--blood splashed on nearly every surface, pools of blood, fanged photography--the gang's all here in that sense. But to be honest, I liked the ground level better. S'just me, I know, but...there seemed to be a sense of whimsy downstairs, and some sense of subtlety here and there, whereas upstairs? It's all WE'RE VAMPIRES GRR WE'RE EVIL LOOK AT OUR VICTIMS NOW HAVE SEX. I mean...yeah, okay, we get it, now can you back it up a bit?

It's not the worst haunt I've been to this year. But it's far from the best. There are some good touches, but most of them are downstairs. Take it in if you're bored, I'd say.