13 October, 2019

pure liquid fire running through our veins

Strange little chat in one of my groups:
[21:21] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: There is a stone circle on the estate next to mine in [the sim in which she resides] that [Sxx Nxxx] has
[21:22] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: wonders if there's an SL equivalent to Bunnyhenge
[21:23] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: (this is real, and I have been there, though, notably at a respectful distance): https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/bunnyhenge
[21:25] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: That's very strange.
[21:26] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: a great place to take an unsuspecting, possibly intoxicated person at night.
[21:26] Emilly Orr adds a new henge to her list.
[21:27] mxxxxx Rxxxxxxx facewings....only in Cali!!!!
[21:27] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: it's terrifyingly adorable.
[21:27] Emilly Orr: I used to live next to Concretehenge in Maryhill, WA, and I still need to visit Carhenge in Nebraska and Cornhenge in Illinois.
In grabbing reasonably informative links for the henges I've been to, I discovered more: one also named Concretehenge, which I don't view as a true henge; another named Concretehenge that seems to have been built long after the true one; this one (which looks really nothing like a henge); Carhenge in Nebraska (which I did know about, and have been plotting to see for years); and Cornhenge in Ohio, which I had thought for all these years was in Illinois. Okay. Ohio, then. I am destined never to see all the henges.
[21:28] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: the Americas are home to a LOT of strange things. for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Mustang
[21:29] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: blucifer, the giant steel anatomically correct stallion with laser red eyes.
[21:29] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: If I get rich enough to afford more land in [the estate] I will dedicate some of the prims to strangeness
Always good. I highly encourage strangeness.
[21:30] Emilly Orr: Okay, but be fair, Blucifer is the most terrifying thing in Colorado.
[21:30] Emilly Orr: By far.
[21:30] mxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: : is embarrassed ...blucifer is only 5 miles away
[21:30] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: getting rich has its own problems
[21:30] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: wow thats close
[21:31] mxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Could call it "unhenge"!!!
[21:31] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: I'd rather endure the Judgement of the Hares
[21:31] Emilly Orr: Be careful. View it from a distance. It killed its sculptor.
[21:31] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: that's... terrifying
[21:31] Emilly Orr: It is!
[21:32] Emilly Orr: Like, it's not enough that it has hellishly burning eyes, distended veins, and looks undead, but NOOOOO, it had to fall on its creator, too.
[21:32] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: its reign of terror is probably not over
[21:32] Rxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Makes more sense than this sculpture near Detroit You can imagine some of the nicknames it's been given
[21:33] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: that's... strange
[21:33] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: tries not to imagine
[21:33] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: "The Big O" I would guess
[21:33] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: hah!
[21:34] Rxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Some of the nicknames are anatomical in nature...
Since that's a Gyazo link, and thus may vaporize, have this one explaining some of the history of the Golden Ring.
[21:35] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: there are a lot of unintentional ah... 'architectures' that people didn't realise what they were doing until someone else saw it
[21:37] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: for instance, the 'pants' building.
[21:41] Rxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: https://gyazo.com/84d356fce158e2dedc1eab7f33f25e84
[21:42] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: wow
[21:42] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: that's... a.. .house
And since Mr. R's link is another Gyazo image, this may help if that one poofs as well.
[21:44] Exxxxxxxx Pxxxxx: Could be worse. Might be a nazi forest
[21:45] Dxxxxxx Sxxxx: I'd rather have the house :)
[21:45] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wonders where the windows are
I do too. But some mysteries, it seems, are not ours to answer.