30 October, 2019

the sky is trembling and I must leave

I went to scope out the Spookzilla event--it's not like I have the funds now to buy a bunch of L$25 ghosts even if I find them, but I wanted to know about about the layout. And now...I rather wish I hadn't.


Case in point. I have become accustomed to porting to a high-traffic event, and dealing with nude people just wandering around. I only get concerned when it seems like the nudity persists for more than ten minutes--which, in these shots, it had.


Okay, but it's just nudity, right? Nothing that out of the ordinary. The mesh will rez, the clothes will come...right?


Well...not exactly. This was a bit more unnerving, seeing naked and headless people wandering around. Usually if it's just the mesh not rezzed in yet, I'll see the head floating nearby, in those rare cases where head and body are detached. In this case? No. Ten minutes of headlessness.


And it had been so long since I'd seen non-mesh feet on any avatar that I was almost disturbed by how distorted and...well, just plain wrong some of the feet looked.


And the hair never draped itself across scalps and shoulders. The bodies never got random items of clothing hovering near them, or suddenly snapping into place. Shoes never appeared next to ankles, or attached to right hands. Minutes of just...waiting...for attire, and never seeing it.


FINALLY, I found someone with an outfit! I was so overjoyed until I realized everyone behind her was still naked. And headless at that! What was going on?!


And then, a head rezzed in. But...just a head. No body. No hair. NO EYES. And, if you look closely, you can see that in the distance, in the tunnel leading to Spookzilla, are a pair of floating eyes.

Hers? Someone else's? I didn't know, I didn't care, I just left.