16 March, 2021

sin for me, cast away from it all, watching every letter fall

You know how somedays, you terraform, and everything goes well, and you get a smooth, even coastline, rounded and organic...and other days, you get seven square, equidistant pits in the land down below water level?


No? Just me?


The second square hole. I still have no idea how this happened. At first I thought it was something I'd done, by rezzing out a sim surround that popped up above ground level to start with, but...seven land sinks. All arrayed on the east side of the sim. Why?


The third one, halfway between the last one and the lighthouse, from the side so you can see it's not just mysterious dropped land, but also, some land raising into strange spikes.


The fourth hole, found just behind that lighthouse--in fact, you can see the edge of the rock base of that lighthouse in the lower left corner of this shot.


This was the only hole that didn't drop all the way to bedrock, but even it was still an obvious land dip.

This is what is killing my brain--I thought people were responsible for terraforming? And right now, we have two terraformers for Gearhaven: mostly me (and I didn't do this) and Justine here and there (and she says she didn't do this, and I believe her). So...what is really going on?


Though here, it amused me--this is what happens when you both decide to fix the same hole? We ended up bouncing high into the air while the land moved underneath us.

Later, Justine found one more hole, right in front of the door into Steam, where I would have sworn no hole existed before, after I'd fixed the others? But we fixed that. And thought all this was over. But last night...


Justine took this picture, and the one following. I had moved a divan out of the music room, to put in another chaise, and just dropped it behind Steam until I figured out if we were moving that divan elsewhere, or just deleting it (it's one of the furniture pieces that's rezzed out with Steamopolis, so anything we don't want we can just delete, knowing it's still in the rez box).


So, when I was putting out the divan, it was a temporary drop, but I'm me, so I had to make sure that it was level on the ground before I cammed back inside to place the chaise? And then went on with the night. There was no hole.

But the next day? Clearly, there's a hole. Where did it come from? Who made it? Why does this keep happening? I have no answers.