15 March, 2021

a blessed mystery for sweeter souls did not survive

It's not often these days that I am completely blown away by someone's creativity in world. This individual? Astounded me.


This is Eupalinos Ugajin. And this was not a still life. She floated in midair, spun, over the illusionary room below her.


She shone like chrome, all of her. The bubbles moving gently with her shone like chrome. The avatar alone was fascinating, even without the rest of it.


I'd gone to Contraption to find their offering for the latest Steam hunt. It's unisex, so I'm not sure how well the lines are going to work with my bosom? But I still wanted to find it.


And I couldn't stop spinning my camera around her. I had literally never seen anyone who was their own art installation wherever they went, basically.


On her profile is a link to a video of her latest work, which is apparently part of a cooperative multi-artist installation, many minds coming together to articulate their current view of the world. It has its political aspects--right now, how could it not?--but what I noticed most was the antigravity experiment I'm showing here? Seems to be part of her approach to art. Antigravity, floating things, machine-assisted removal of natural laws--it's a recurring theme.


Anyway. I was so completely astounded I didn't IM her or anything. I just stood there, struck dumb by the brilliance. But--if you have the time, do check out the art. The page with her video on it has the SLUrl on how to get to the exhibit. I'm fascinated, and I may have to explore further myself.

But either way--yes, anything is still possible. Any concept can be articulated creatively. We can be our own living art. Fantastic.