26 March, 2021

when everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am

I found the Alyriia wings from Bauhaus on Marketplace, and had them send me a demo.


Now, first, I really like the look of these. I generally prefer more of an aged metal look, but the bright brass and steel seems to suit the style pretty well.


The problem comes in, oddly, because these are Bento mesh, rigged wings--the metal bends when the body moves.


And in some poses, the flexing of the metal does look very odd.


All in all, though, even with the dissonance of metal flexing like muscle? They are very pretty. I don't know if they're moddable at all, though--on my frame they look very outsized.


Ultimately, this is the crucial information: you can acquire your own set of these wings in bright gold and steel, or bright silver and steel, for L$499 a set, and he even has matching metal halos--in gold and silver, naturally--for L$199 each.


Emilly Orr said...

taborrioakman, you must think I'm terribly dim. Plumbing my archives to try to put out your casino spam is not going to work. It's never going to work. Shoo. Go home. Get a hobby.