"Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, be agreeable if it kills you."(Continued from part IV.)
~~Elsie de Wolfe
The last I've found so far.
Jan 30, 2012, 4:30 AMAs far as I know, the last, while also written out on an iPod note before sending, seems almost too cheerfully upbeat when compared to the others. I get the definite feeling it was 'brave face' time. It didn't work for long.
Late re-greetings, but we had a group venture into CoH that we wanted to start (a new story arc which it seems the whole of the playing population has completed but us), however, Neome was in a slowed mindset. She wasn't terrifyingly fatigued, but she wanted to get a shower done and food made and laundry started and bed remade and more laundry folded and email answered, all *before* she went in to play. So our target of two ayem turned into three-thirty before we started, and I made the decision to tell you later, and just finish the story arc.
As soon as the mission tied up, I logged off, but as you can note, it's now a half hour behind. However, I am on my way towards sleeping now.
Also, A Hole At the Bottom of the Sea is actually quite the engaging book. I think he's really doing his best to be objective, and not paint BP as the ultimate evil in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but he's also been granted some unprecedented access all the way along the procedure, from the first night of the accident onward. I've been very impressed with it. (It even has its own web page: http://aholeatthebottomofthesea.com/!)
And love you, and breathing, and hope you are doing well, and I am~
I found myself playing Phoebe Bridger's "I Know The End" video over and over again, coding these out for publication.
No, for anyone curious, I never heard from him again. Still haven't, all these years later. Likely never will. Life moves on.
(Continued in part VI.)
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