This was an exciting day.
One day after Gearhaven launched, I dropped by the sim and saw something under the water. I sunk down through the waves and arrived on the little stairs leading up to the sealed door. I spun the wheel to open it, and...walked into memory.
So this goes back a ways, to when I first met Hiro. He'd dropped by work a few times, and we'd talked, and I thought hit it off, but you know how these things are.
Sometimes it's just friendly. Sometimes it's just flirting. Sometimes it goes nowhere, and sometimes...
Well, sometimes, you meet a blue-spotted cat on a steampunk sim who's rezzing out a laser shark for a tank in an underwater dance club.
And the rest is kind of history. Something just--clicked that day, for me. I have always been enthralled by watching what people build here, how they put prims together, what they want to bring onto the grid. I have literally sat and done just that, for hours--watched people build. I'm fascinated. I'm still fascinated.
And therein hangs a much longer tale, but just above the club, there's an open space? Hiro rezzed out the original laser shark. So wonderful.
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