12 March, 2021

let nothing come between us, my love for you is strong and true

(Roleplay entry, but not *strictly* in the same story chain as the Duke's disappearance. Still, for completion's sake, let's say it happens after part V.)

I suppose it's time, I guess...


After all, I'd put them in the little caps while they were recovering, and they were all very good and kept their caps on for me, but...they weren't sick anymore. So it's time for them to come off.


Yes, Athena, that means you can take off the hat now.


And of course the first thing Enoch does is go back to sleep. That boy.


At least they're happy. And safe. Things could be worse.


And every time I tell myself not to buy them new toys...Ah, well. Sucker for a furry face, I always have been.

Now if we can just find their father...