13 March, 2021

part time dreamer, would-be player

Look! Finally I have my Arctic fox back.


Yes, I know, it takes me a long time to decide. But I wanted to be sure, and I demo'ed a lot of options, and sure, while it would have taken much less time, effort and demo testing to simply buy an all-in-one like AVP's white fox, we're back to that whole "feeling like me" thing.

Keep in mind, this was my first fox:


And do take note of the vintage, nothing looks like that, I know. That head was all prims and pieces and one wrong move could take the entire thing down to components. I know that. But...back in 2007? That was me about a third of the time.


Now I have this. It's Whisk's Gelato mod for Maitreya, using Cerberus' Canis Bento head. I can't remember what store sells the neck extender, but fluffylittlellama made it. And Whisk made the eyes, their Calm Eyes in the Variety pack.


I'm going to take the additional hit today and pick up Apricot Paws' Feety Peets for female canines, because as much as I adore having shoes, she's telling me she wants paws. Who am I to argue?

And I definitely have to find a better outfit. This one's cute, but it was also an extremely lucky pull of Alchemy's 'The Wilds' outfit in Celestial, and...that's the only color it comes in? And I'd prefer a longer skirt. So...more shopping.

And I haven't decided if she needs whiskers yet. My brain is saying yes, but the people who made the Canis head don't have whiskers for sale, so...maybe not? I don't know. I'll think about it.

But either way, I have her back. One more piece of the past me that I want to retain in the new world. It's a good thing, I think.