13 April, 2021

it's more than bone, it's more than skin (part XXXI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part XXX.)

Book of Ose and Hiram

Chapter 3

Disposition of the five vessels.

They were sent to all parts. Beta went to Thule, Gamma went with Bilqis to Sheba, Delta to the Ophir, Epsilon staying in Jerusalem with Hiram. The Alpha was with the Leopard King incarnate. Each part had the essence of the first El and the Leopard. Gods and DemiGods, knowledge and wisdom given to the elect. In that day, the crawling chaos was strong. The old gods were still in the space between. The Watchers and Nephilim both lived in the land. The five elements started at the same source and became spread to the wind.

The Three Ruffians

It was the usual custom of the Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, to enter into the unfinished "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies", of King Solomon's Temple, each day at high twelve, while the craft were called from labor to refreshment, for the purpose of drawing out his designs upon the trestle-board, whereby the craft might pursue their labors; after which, it was further his custom to offer up his devotions to the Deity. Then he would retire at the south gate of the outer courts of the Temple;

Jubela, First Ruffian: Grand Master Hiram, I am glad to meet you thus alone. I have long sought this opportunity. You will remember you promised us, that when the Temple was completed, we should receive the secrets of a Master, whereby we might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages. Behold! the Temple is now about to be completed, and we have not obtained that which we have so long sought. At first, I did not doubt your veracity; but now I do! I therefore now demand of you the secret.

Hiram Abriff: Brother, this is an unusual way of asking for them. It is neither a proper time nor place; but be true to your engagement, and I will be true to mine. Wait until the Temple is completed, and then, if you are found worthy and well qualified, you will unquestionably receive the secrets of a Master Adapt; but, until then, you cannot.

Ruffian: This does not satisfy me! Talk not to me of time or place, but give me the secrets of a Master Adapt, or I will take your life!

Hiram Abiff: I cannot; nor can they be given, except in the presence of Solomon, king of Israel, Hiram, king of Tyre, and myself.

Ruffian: That does not satisfy me. I'll hear no more of your cavilling! Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment.

Hiram: I shall not!

This did not end well as the ruffians were [f**ktards] of that first order.

The Second Ruffian gives the candidate a brush across the throat with his right hand, and at the same time relinquishes his hold with his left, steps quietly to one side, clinching him by the collar, exclaiming as follows:

Second Ruffian - Give me the secrets of a Master Mason!

Hiram: I cannot.

Ruffian: Give me the secrets of a Master.

Hiram: I shall not.

Ruffian: Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment!

Hiram: I will not!

Ruffian gives the candidate a brush with his right hand across the left breast, and at the same time lets him pass.

Jubelum seizes him with both hands by the collar of his coat, and swings him round. then exclaims: Give me the secrets of a Master Adapt.

Hiram: I cannot!

Ruffian: Give me the secrets of a Master, or I will take your life!

Hiram: I shall not!

Ruffian: You have (here he seizes the Hiram more fiercely, and affects a great earnestness of purpose) escaped "Jubela" and "Jubelo"; me you cannot escape; my name is "Jubelum!" What I purpose, that I perform. I hold in my hand an instrument of death; therefore, give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment!

Hiram: I will not!

Ruffian: Then die!

The Ruffian here gives the Hiram a blow on his head with a retting-maul; at the same time, pushing him backward.

Ruffian: Is he dead?

Answer: He is, his skull is broken in.

Ruffian: What horrid deed is this we have done?

Answer: We have murdered our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, and have not obtained that which we have sought: this is no time for vain reflection--the question is, what shall we do with the body?

Answer: We will bury it in the rubbish of the Temple, until low twelve, and then we will meet and give it a decent burial.

Ose, the leopard Demon, was watching all of this happen from a distance.

The temple would never be completed because of the tyranny of evil men and entitled men. The secrets were loves.

For this reason, Ose, the leopard from elsewhen, decided to provide more lessons in secrecy.

These lessons are included in the book of the Sphinx Order: "The Pillars of Order and Liturgical Guide".

(Continued in part XXXII.)