23 April, 2021

boy, your face has been falling, girl, your heart has been calling (part XLIII)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part XLII.)

"No, this isn't the right version," Athena murmured.

"What was that, sweetness?"


Reality slid...sideways, her vision blurring unpleasantly.


Well, the ruins were still there, but...the sky was the color of a bruise, and the glow was...almost viscous against her skin. What in all the hells...

"Still not right," came Athena's small voice. Oh, no--


This version of...wherever...featured a high, almost metallic buzzing sound, getting closer. At the same time she realized she was repeating "No no no no" over and over, she heard Athena saying the same thing. And she saw...things...beyond the viridescent glow...getting closer. At least they were in agreement.


And this version of the terrain tasted like sugar and iron shavings, and that was not better, and the things were getting closer still--


"There, Mama! There!"

She leapt for the (much smaller) glowing rift, and--she sincerely hoped--for home.

(Continued in part XLIV.)