17 April, 2021

don't have to tell you this world is whack

It started out so innocently (and I have to say, yes, anonymized, but again from the Contraption group, because elsewise the misspeaking makes no sense)...
[21:47] Mxxxxx Yxxx: can anyone point me in the direction of a good monocle i feel like i saw one recently but damned if i can find it now
[21:47] Sxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: Engine Room has one
[21:47] Sxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: I believe
[21:48] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: There's one in the contraception shop too, on the right as you come in amongst the eyewear.
Meet Mistah J. Darn you, autocoffee!
[21:48] Sxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: it was either that or We Love Roleplay
[21:48] Mxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: lol
[21:48] Hunter (drunkenmonkeystyle): Rip it off of old pennybags
[21:48] Mxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: contraception haha
[21:48] Sxxxxx Dxxx: Contraption
[21:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) knows what [Jxxx] meant, but now she's amused by the concept of the contraception shop also carrying monacles
[21:48] Vxxxxxxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx: The Kosmii one at NeoJapan I assume?
[21:48] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: oh jfc im so sorry
[21:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Because....reasons
[21:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No, truly, it's fine
[21:48] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: I need to use the sleep. x_x
Many of us do.
[21:50] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: (wonders if monocles can be used as contraception)
[21:51] pxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxx: only condomonocles
[21:51] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hehehehe good one
[21:51] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: What have I done
[21:52] axxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Doesn't that comic Saturday Morning cereal or what ever have single use monocoles
[21:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): If it wasn't you, it would surely be someone else. Unusual conversations are nearly as common here as in Caledon.
[21:52] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmm looks like the jokes are
[21:52] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: reproducing
[21:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) giggles
[21:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That was terrible.
[21:53] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well, [Jxxx]'s comment was pretty
[21:53] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seminal
[21:54] dxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: Really I think this is just getting Blown out of proportion.
[21:54] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) facepalms
Can't leave puns alone, they tend to breed, after all...