16 April, 2021

shined so bright this star's gonna burn out (part I)

DJ Verdant, he of the incomparably fun Wandering Star, sent out a notice that he'd be playing a set for the spring equinox. And fae were requested! Fauns specifically, but fae of any order, or whomever wanted to come--just come and dance.


So we turned out in a minor drove.


We all picked out spaces around the fire, and the dancing began.


DJ Verdant Homewood himself, spinning for the revelers.


So, I could have just included the pic after this, because right when I snapped this, the lass on the left whose wings I REALLY wanted to catch turned to the side...but it's still a fun pic, I'm going with it.


And those are her wings full on, with the eye spots.


And we wheel around to another side of the fire. I'm the little thing on the right!

(Part II coming soon!)