05 April, 2021

I might hate myself tomorrow but I'm on my way tonight

By the time this posts, it will be long after the Mad Scientists' Ball, but it happened several days before then...
[10:20] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: By happy coincidence, the Mad Scientists' Ball on March 14 is on Albert Einstein's birthday......
[10:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Because of course.
[10:21] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's Caledon, so it makes perfect sense for Caledon......
[10:21] Uxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: Newton is dead, Einstein died, and I already feel sick myself.
That is so bad. Amusing, but so bad.
[10:22] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Standing on the shoulders of giants gives you a much better view when the giants themselves are standing.....
[10:22] Pxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: What was Einstein mad about, anyway?
Boo...hiss... :D
[10:23] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Action at a distance, I think. And the Copenhagen interpretation......
[10:23] Uxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: about his wife
[10:24] Pxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: By a strange coincidence, I'm working on Andersen's fairy tales at the moment
[10:26] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: What an interesting conversation this is.
[10:27] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Was he interpreted in Copenhagen? Probably.....
[10:27] Uxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx: when?
Well, he was at least born in Denmark, if not precisely Copenhagen.
[10:28] Hxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx: Caledon is prone to interesting conversations. :)
[10:28] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: Oh yes.
[10:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): it's a tendency. Or a side effect.
[10:28] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I usually just lurk but find myself entertained often. Especially when it's about cats.
[10:28] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): One of those.
[10:29] Pxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: It could be a script by Tom Stoppard
It's starting to feel a bit by one of his, yes.
[10:30] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We might or might not mention Schrödinger's cat. No way to know for sure.....
[10:30] Hxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx stifles a giggle
[10:31] Pxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: I don't believe that Schrödinger knew whether it was actually his cat
[10:31] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: He couldn't have until he opened the box......
[10:32] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Cat probably has strong opinions about that but quantum physicists disregard it
[10:34] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I wonder if the cat could, by having an opinion, collapse the wave function before someone opens the box....
[10:35] Mxxx Mxxxxxxx: I have a Denver Hax made Schrödinger cat
[10:36] Hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oooh
I am not at all surprised that Mr. Hax made his way into this conversation.
[10:36] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: He might not have been sure that he made it......
[10:36] Mxxx Mxxxxxxx: oh its a bunny
[10:36] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Sweet....

[10:36] Hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have a cat named Schrödinger on my lap at the moment
[10:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh no. One of the exploding bunnies is still on the grid?
[10:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): RUN
[10:37] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Nice. My RL avi sometimes needs to negotiate with her cat over access to the keyboard....
[10:38] Hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Schrödinger does not believe in negotiations
[10:38] Mxxx Mxxxxxxx: Schrödinger's Bunny Experiment: You Killed the Wabbit!
[10:48] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: there's a piranha rabbit behind [Cxxxxxxx]'s house that will attack you until you leave the parcel.
[10:48] Hxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx: aka vorpal bunny?
[10:49] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I believe it is called "perfectly innocent rabbit" or something to that effect.
That would be the vorpal bunny, yes. They used to run rampant on St. Kitt's. (See historical documentation, part one, and part two.)
[10:49] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O frabjous day! Kalloo-KALLAY!
[10:49] Hxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx: :D
[10:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That also sounds like a Hax invention, to be fair.
[10:49] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: it is.
[10:50] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: There is no such thing as perfect innocence, especially in Caledon
[10:50] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: he also left a my little pony on the mountain. same thing.
[10:50] Hxxxxx Cxxxxxxxx: There's probably some of the exploding turkeys (?) I think it was running round Stormhold and a few other places.
But I could be wrong, to be fair. Maybe Mr. Hax was always the source of dangerous toys.
[10:50] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, he didn't invent those, those came first, I believe.
[[Late insert from the Editrix: I am doubly wrong, Mr. Hax DID invent the exploding turkeys.]]
[10:50] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: there's an exploding turkey in tanglewood still
[10:51] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No sim should be entiely without an exploding something or other.....
[10:52] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: stormhold has [Sxxx], does that count?
I don't know, how often does Mr. J explode?
[10:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): For anyone who may not know, who arrived after the departure of Mr. Hax...he was less a mad scientist, and...more a minor deity. And he dearly loved things that blew up.
[10:52] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) laughs
[10:52] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Adding enough kale and andouille sausage might do it.....
[10:53] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I am sad I never got to meet him. sounded like a fun guy.
[10:53] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I think you'd have liked each other. :D
I won't say Mr. Hax and I were fast friends, or that I knew him intimately. We argued terribly from time to time. But I did know him enough, having had several talks on the value of things that attack avatars, things that explode avatars, and varieties of tea, that I believe I'm comfortable making that statement.
[10:54] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: me too......I'm always a little wistful about the Old Days for having missed them.....
There are things I miss, but overall, in spite of the insane pace of upgrades, the glitching, the inherent problems in the system, now...I think Second Life is more balanced these days. Of course, this is someone speaking who knew said Old Days, having lived through them. ("SOOOO old", Edward said. That is still making me laugh. Yes, ancient of days, disintegrating as we speak into vaguely unnerving dust and bits of strange fur.)
[10:55] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I sometimes wonder if he's still about in a different guise
[10:57] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well. Always possible.
[10:57] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): If it helps, Miss [Txxxx], the avatars are a LOT better now. :D
[10:58] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I probably would have. but then again I'm not sure that much chaos and destruction in one place would have ended well.
[10:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I look back at old pictures and just shake my head at the graphics. (Though...that could also be who I was dating at the time. :D )
[10:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): It may not!
[10:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): He blew up St. Kitt's all on his own, after all. No one helped! :D
[10:58] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: oh, yeah, SL used to be ugly as sin.
[10:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins
[10:59] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I don't have old pictures of my self--came on around 8 yrs ago. That was a wise judgment, I've been told.....
[10:59] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: very wise.
Case in point:


Someone actually looked at that and hired me. To dance for people! :D
[10:59] txxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And now it's a horrid mishmash of incompatible body parts and clothing. I'm not sure we've gained that much.
Oh, I don't know. Yes, it's harder now to make exactly what one wants--I mean, I've been trying to learn enough of mesh to capture a certain avatar look for over a decade now, and still haven't managed it--but there are more options, I suppose, is the main point.
[11:00] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I spent years as a female avatar because I couldn't get the male avs to look like what I wanted.
[11:00] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I don't see a reason to get a mesh head--the ones I've seen all look as if they're around 1 5 years old.....
[11:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) grins. Or pouty runway models, yes.
[11:01] txxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And I'm neither of the above, not hardly......
[11:02] Gxxxxxxx Hxxxx: I like my head. in fact I look quite horrifying without it. and I don't mean in the decapitation way.
[11:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Though that is a disturbing enough image
All in all, fun conversation. And some food for thought. Schröderanged as it was.