02 August, 2020

there ain't no easy road, gotta create it, it's not given, I'm just living

This is just fun. (Not sure if NSFW? No actual nudity, but pinups, so...?)

https://lyricstranslate.com/en/lotus-juice-overdrive-lyrics.html And a brief chat capture:
[10:23] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: I feel you're skeptical
[10:24] Emilly Orr grins
[10:24] Emilly Orr: No, just trying to figure out the dance numbers.
[10:24] Emilly Orr: With zombies and all.
[10:24] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Shamble in e minor
Now then.


I...am not sure if I'm delighted or appalled. Welcome to Morioh Cho.


The buildings are even cel-shaded!

The rules:
"We are a group of people who enjoy the imagery, music, tone, and pure memehood of the “Jojo's Bizarre Adventure” anime series and manga. Most avatars, decorations, houses, naming conventions, and events in Morioh Cho will likely have some connection to JJBA. We encourage anyone visiting to join us in that appreciation, but are NOT by any means obligated to change avatars to be related. Only that whatever avatar used comply with overall SL standards."
Okay, makes sense.


Guys...the sky. Is yellow.
"Property is available to rent at Morioh Cho - primarily Residential until we decide the need for Commercial. Until then, while store fronts are intended for strangers to come in and out of, homes are not. Respect the limits of rentals."
Guys. You can rent one of the cel-shaded houses!
== Short Form / TLDR Version:
Instead of the Block ‘o Text below that spells out the fine-print, Morioh Cho would MUCH rather have people remember and follow “Wheaton's Law”: == “Don’t Be A Dick.” ==
To sum up. It is pretty easy shorthand for "just be nice".

There's a radio station building. I didn't turn on sound, but I wonder if they play the theme song...


Some specifics:
"Don’t Be A Dick:
-- in how you behave towards others in the Parcel and Group.
(No harassing someone. If they wish to be left alone, respect that.)
(Keep adult content, unless it is simple nudity, in private areas or IMs.)
(Absolutely NO Childplay or child-like avatars are allowed. This is an adult land, and LL's rules for adult areas of SL also apply here.)
(If you dislike it, you can choose to MUTE, BLOCK, or BLACKLIST it.)
(The group chat is for information regarding the Parcel and Group ONLY.)

-- regarding other people’s personal / private residences.
(Private residences are private. Do not enter without permission)


There's more, but I'm only going to quote one more section from the rules card:
-- to the STAFF. (If you have an issue, message a STAFF member for help)

(If you’re not sure if something is OK, please ask the STAFF)" 
Also seems very rational.

"First, we will follow and enforce Linden Labs’ rules for all users
* Morioh Cho is an ADULT rated sim. Avatars, as judged by multiple staff, to have a child-like physical appearance will not be permitted to remain on Morioh's grounds. Additionally no one under 18 years of age is permitted in Morioh as well. Anyone discovered to be under-aged or having falsified their age will be kick-banned from the sim and the account reported to LL. NO EXCEPTIONS.
* Do not post anything that would be: defamatory, demeaning, false, harassing, harmful, hateful, illegal, inaccurate, inflammatory, involves terrorism, libelous, misleading, threatening, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or invades another person's privacy in Morioh Cho. This includes open chat, voice chat, images, constructs, etc. Anyone doing so will be warned, kicked, or kick-banned from the sim as deemed necessary by staff. Additionally the account may be reported to LL.
* Rezzing of Griefer Items, including, but not limited to bloomers, audio players, pushers, mic spam etc, meaning anything designed to disrupt people’s experience in Second Life, is prohibited. Anyone doing so will be warned, kicked, or kick-banned from the sim as deemed necessary by staff.
* Projectile weapons (Non-Pushing) will be permitted, provided the projectiles are ‘temporary’ / derez within 2 minutes. That said, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT shoot anyone who does not want to participate!!

MORIOH CHO uses a “Three Strikes” Rules system; Warning, Warning with a Kick and Temp-Ban, Banned. We would much rather not have to enforce those punishments, however, so please do not give us a reason to.
it's like a burning sunrise
I'm, not even sure how to describe JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for those who've never run across it. I was trying to explain why finding this sim was such a cool thing, and...well, I finally resorted to linking this video. Does it help, or hurt, to say that everything both people are saying is pretty much true? They are the manliest, most sculpted, fabulously dressed, extravagantly graceful, impossibly arrogant bunch of straight gay men you'll ever see.


I honestly don't know if I could live on this sim. I do know it's making my brain giggle.