The press blurb is no help:
Fun interactive haunted house haunted mansion Halloween costumes horror scary ghosts spirits haunting spooky creepy pumpkins graveyard tarot seance ouija board cemetery bats grave evil zombie fun house maze laboratory free costumesBecause how often do these descriptions sound like that?
Ah, well. Let's go see.
This really looks so familiar. I have definitely been here before. I just don't remember a haunted house in Solo.
Yep--I had to go back two years into the haunt archives to track down where. Apparently they've moved sims, so they have changed the location, but--at least for the exterior and the two lower rooms, nothing else. I don't see a reason to explore the upstairs, do you? If you want to see more of what's probably back out in the house, look over the old entry. I sincerely doubt there have been updates.
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