27 September, 2018

with a strong and a hopeful heart, but under a mocking blue sky (part two)

We're now at Alli & Alli (main store), and this is their "Celebration" braided hair in Raspberry Cyan. Didn't pick anything, the demo's only in one color. And boy, does it clip.

This is "Dany", in Platinum Pink Blue. It also clips--both through the chest, and, weirdly, through the neck. The neck clipping is strange.

And this is "Joff" in Hazel. Never did a hair cry out more for a hairbase.

Next up, eliavah, with "Sora". I'm using the "Both Bangs" version, which yes, clips through the chest, in the purplish tone from the "Moonlit" color HUD.

Is this...just the bangs? I can't tell.

Okay, this next one is weird. So this is the "Tsukuyomi" hair, no materials, right out of the box. Probably something from the "Red" color HUD, I'm not sure, this is straight of the box, as is. But, looking at it, I wasn't sure there was clipping across the chest, so I thought I'd try the Hourglass variant?

This is the Hourglass hair. I picked the "Ombre 2" color HUD at random, the fifth color heart, and then blinked. What happened to the hair?

Seriously, if anyone knows, feel free to tell me. I'm baffled. Because to me, it looks like the bangs didn't change color, the rest of the hair that did change color got shorter, and it's a really lousy texturing job. Is it something about my graphics settings? I have no idea.