Now we're up to Tukinowaguma (main store), and their opening style for Hair Fair, "Arce". I'm showing it on one or two of the settings from the Stylist HUD, because their Stylist HUD is just that confusing. Basically, I hit buttons until I gave up. And the color is the center circle from the "RedsBlacks1" color HUD.
This is "Carta", and there are so many variations on this one in the box, I don't understand. This is the "Bad Seed" variation without accessories. Did nothing with the Stylist HUD, and I used the last circle on the "RedsBlacks2" color HUD.
This is "Wiren", and...I cannot visually tell the difference between this style, and the Mirrored variation in the box, so...this is the non-mirrored, I guess. I opened the Stylist Hud and there were exactly two buttons--the hair you see, and only one swirling coil over the right shoulder. I closed the Stylist HUD. And I'm showing it in the sixth circle from the "Blondes 2" color HUD, which is less a blonde, and more of a shimmery, pastel pink, which is confusing.
Now we're up to EliMent (main store), with the "Iris" style. This one really needs two things: an included hairbase, and an accessories hud to change the metal rings. That being said, I'm showing it on the last ombre black-to-teal tone on the demo color HUD.
This is "Lisa", and the good news is, no clipping across my chest, yay. The downside I mentioned above--there's no HUD to change the color of the metal bands. I'm showing it in the sixth circle from the demo color HUD, a strong rich brown.
This is "Nikita", and...I'm just confused. To be fair, it's not the worst dreads texture, or style. And again, yay for no clipping across a rather bounteous bosom. Down sides: I don't know if the scarlet red topknot is just demo patterning, or if it's really going to be that jarring in the main. And two, I looked at every setting (four for the main hair, four more for the bangs) on the Style Hud, and finally went with hair over both shoulders, bangs on both sides, because it looked less odd than every other setting.
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