03 September, 2018

I've sailed a sea of stars, and run the vessels aground

We're back with Altamura:

This is "Sarah". And we start out with nope.

This is Altamura's "Stephany". Someone, please, tell me the point of a mesh head that cannot be adjusted?

Angel Rock's "Amber" seemed to have some problems rezzing in. And also could not be adjusted.

Raven Bell's "BJD Jessie" head also did not want to rez in properly. The other heads did not have this problem. Next.

This is Caro B's "Emily" head, and...it's not bad, but the notecard that comes with it listing off the features of the full version says the ears are modify.

Just. The ears. ONLY. The ears.

Cue resigned sigh. We move on.

Corvus apparently is making mesh heads now, and this is their "Liana" head. And it took forever to rez in, to the point where I finally just snapped a shot of the unrezzed mess it remained after ten solid minutes. Never mind, we're moving on.

I tried the "Nahara" in Fair/Dusk from Corvus, but after another ten minutes of impatient waiting, that was the best I got. So Corvus is out for mesh heads.

Next up, Lightstar.