Next up, (red)Mint's (main store) "No 55'18" (gosh, these descriptive names are dizzying), and I picked the Redheads hud, this is, I believe, the second color?
And this is "No. 59'18", and for this one, I picked the "Fantasy (. 4-6)" color HUD. She really needs to learn how to name things.
But I think it'd be pretty for photos.
Next is Calico, and they're on the Blonde sim this year at Hair Fair. This is "Monroe", with a mid-range red from the Reds color hud. There does seem to be a tiny bit of clipping on my right cheek, but there's no interference with the breasts, so...small favors? It also looks weirdly flat on top.
And this is "Saira". and anyone who knows me knows what a freak I am for braids, so I am very interested in this one. I picked the Browns hud for color, and this is several colors down, sort of a cocoa-powder brown. This looks good.
I wanted the last two for this entry to be from ICONIC, but considering I've spent the last fifteen minutes trying to attach "Asha", and the last ten of those spent trying to DEtach the Millennium Darks color hud...fuggedit, I don't care enough.
ICONIC has hair for Hair Fair. Go see. They're somewhere on one of the four sims.
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