28 September, 2018

that I alone have let them pass (part one)

Well, we would have started with hoMAGE, but...they included back hair pieces, and mesh head hairbase appliers, and I still don't have a mesh head. So we move on.

So this is ItGirls' (no landmark given) "Borderline" hairstyle, in the darkest brown of the "Naturals" color HUD. A question: is it "Borderline" because of the way the hair folds so obviously in front? Because that is not at all attractive.

This is the "Yonce" hairstyle, Windswept variation, which isn't bad. I'm showing it in the "Ombres" color hud, the first brown-to-blonde tone.

Now we move onto KMH (no landmark given), and this is "F101", and I picked a strong purple from the "Color" color HUD. Oh, the tragedy of clipping.

Their "F102" is a Loli-curl style I'm showing in the silver-est silver from the "Natural" color HUD.

And this is "M101", so I'm assuming the "F" and "M" designations are male and female? Though this is easily worn by women. I picked the solid burgundy from the "Color" color HUD.

Next up, KUNI (mainstore), and their first offering, "Fran". I'm showing it in the "Boobs/Size 1" variation, and color 10 from the "Hot" color HUD. (I tried color 6 and color 3 first, but the grey patches didn't clear. So it's either going to take longer than I'm going to give it, or that flat 'derezzed' grey is their demo stripe.

And this is "Maria", in the ssame variation for chest as above, using color 12 from the "Summer" color HUD. This one didn't have the weird greying issues. I don't get why.