when your heart's rollin' home in the wind

We're now at Sinnister Rayne's Haunted House, and...while it's on moderate land, I'm confused by the place description. To wit:
Rayne and Sinnisters Haunted house.
A scarey good time
cuddle spots
all ages welcome
but watch out for the chainsaw.
Kid friendly
Halloween, sex, club,giggles,naughty
Save for centering it, because I couldn't figure how else to present their oddly-spaced description, I've made no changes. So...how can it be "Kid friendly" and also use terms like "watch out for the chainsaw" and "sex"?

Mostly, I explored the house, but it opens into a wide area with other attractions--a haunted forest, a crypt, some fog here and there.

It's another house-in-a-box, but the texturing on the walls is better than most. I didn't truly catch that it was just in a box until I pointed my cam up.

Some of the objects look a bit too clean--like this dining room set--but they're well within theme.

This is a nice touch. It's just a cut-out, prim piece, not mesh, but you know, not everything needs to be to be effective.

Okay, the Ouija board is moving on its own. I'm outta here.

I hear a chainsaw...


And the traditional player piano...playing itself.

Upstairs, expected things--though the "sex" listing begins to make sense with the discovery of the "sex bookcase" on the second floor--but the house itself is so nice, it's good to just walk through. I had to track down the house, I was curious.

I'm not entirely sure, but it seems to be from ArmaDus? And if so, it is not cheap. Counting some of the set pieces that were also seen, to get everything this haunt seemed to have would cost over four thousand Lindens. Yeep.

But quality shows--and that house is most definitely atmospheric.

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