11 June, 2021

this spark of black that I seem to love (part LXXXVII)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part LXXXV.)

Soft whir of servos spinning up outside the station, moving pods into place. Static burst from somewhere, dying down. The monitor on the command deck turns on.
STAN: GH Naval dis patch.
The Gray Area will remain in Krakenstorm.
Battlestar Scarlet Woman and BattleStar Jack Parsons have been recalled from a classified mission back to Tannhäuser Gate.
Grown Up Conversation was recalled from Haven.
Eschatological Practium has been dispatched to an undisclosed location.
——/ end of transmission /———
Comms were fired off to earpieces, squibs to pads, updating the Duchy of the new locations...at least, those locations that were revealed.

Two days later...
Current - Naval activity: Tannhäuser Gate
Freighter Misunderstood Cat has returned via Tannhäuser Gate from Trading mission.
Heavy Frigate Babalon Working and the Prometheus class Battlestar Eschtological Practium are both in orbit over station.
For a permit to docking capital ships contact the Countess of Tannhäuser for clearance.
More comms sent to earpieces, squibs to pads, with secured copies encoded for the Countess left on the station, and in her personal files.

(Continued in part LXXXVIII.)